The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Sadly this attempt to stem the tide just wasn’t enough.

I dunno, it got into tracksuits head. Which isn’t saying much.

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My word

I think in future we should only post gifs on this thread to reflect the mood of the forum

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I’d timidly suggest that posters provide a few examples by way of evidence…

@iron_mike how’s it been going since I left

Looks like lads are in for the half time cuppa. Give it another hour or so when lads decide to go for the top shelf

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By God and we’ve a fellow from Galway who is after writing a hundred posts in a couple of hours to make the point that he doesn’t have a view yet on something. The tragedy of needing to be heard so much and so often (on TFK!) that you’ll post for hours about something you claim to have not formed an opinion on yet.


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Waiting on @anon7035031 .


Fuck you

From what I can see there are several posters telling him that he has a view and that his view is racist. I doubt that they’re interested in his opinion.

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I think it’s more that he’s an ogeous wanker.

I love you man

I’d say he’s single.

Have a read of the thread, it’s long winded but unbelievable. A few virtue signallers, especially @Rocko who I have to say is cowardly enough, jumped immediately to conclusions without all the evidence. They didn’t care what really happened, they had to make a shooting fit into their narrative so fuck the facts. Turns out it looks like they were all wrong,and they’ve all slunk off. Fascinating to watch. @Rocko used to have on the masthead refugees from stricter regimes welcome. But who was really welcome was the few losers who thought they were in the IRA and just sat around telling each other how great they were. Once put on the spot by outsiders he banned hbv for no reason and the masthead was next for the chop.

Have a word with yourself, if not for me than for your own good. Glibshane reeled you in like a sucker there. Think before you type