The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Small sample size, but he came back with his tail twixt his legs and he got a nice reply out of it.

Good lord up your comprehension skills

Capital L for Lord please or we’ll have to start a blasphemy thread

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Guns don’t kill people, white right wingers do.


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Oh she’s bubbling real nice now Miss Becky.

Anything could happen here this evening.

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Thank God the GAA opens up tonight. Few lads could do with a bit of fresh air.

Where’s this now?


There’s more threads I’m avoiding than reading at this stage. Open up the pubs ta fuck Tony or you’ll have e-blood on your hands


It’s only a brouhaha in a beaker.


How you keeping old friend? Hows the old man.

I’m good. The aul man is still fighting. They took him off the heart pump Monday. He was determined to get out of bed and is sitting in a chair at this very minute. He’s in a very tight corner but he’s not given up the ghost yet. Says he wants to walk tomorrow. We had a great week with him so it’s day by day for now.

They have sent us home now and visiting hours are limited going to be limited for us as he is no longer officially critical/end of life. It’s a tough one but sort of good news.


I will be on later to calm things down

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@Dubhub at 99.97

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Nearly there

His temperature is that high he’s in danger of failing the return to play protocols and missing training tomorrow night.
