The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Just some house cleaning. Happens every year. Usually after Tyrone have embarrassed themselves.

The next few days are a chrysalis.

giphy (20)


Politics thread. Flatty and glass flirting with each other. Mightn’t turn into anything

Flattys head is melted by man united

I’m more entertained by you, though I find it bizarre the way a hick like yourself, rather than follow a local side, feels some sort of personal investment in a franchise in a grim corner of Salford. 🤷
@glasagusban and I are only ball hopping this time.

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You are totally obsessed by me. Whatever I do or don’t do is completely irrelevant to you. You shouldn’t get so worked up by it.

Ooh yes, obsessed.

I’m just glad Atticus isnt around to see all of this.


TFK will have to banned if Atticus can’t handle it.

Some lovely exchanges on the coronavirus hills of donegal thread. The sabbath means nothing to these lads.

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You could pick up something nasty in that thread. I rarely frequent.

Lads are unravelling

Sausages on a pan territory…

Some of it is beyond the pale, or the m50 ad it’s now known

You can’t get sausages without meat processing.

Us farmers was warnings you’se bai’s about the meat factories fir years and you’se bai’s didn’t listen as long as yis got yisser bangers.


Closing factories :grin:

Over a few Polaks catching a flu?

fair play

Alright I need to take a few days off. Self-imposed, before I give this cunt my credit card details or something.