The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

Its all aligning, fellas haven’t been able to get the Christmas pints in or stephens day blow out either.

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I can’t talk to be fair :grimacing:

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372 posts in the Gardai thread since I looked in earlier :scream:

There’s a few lads wumming the fuck out of it in there and then there’s @glasagusban who’s either a full fool or a world class WUM

The other wigger @Turenne has surely chimed in with his FUCK THE POO LEECE rhetoric.

It’ll hold til the morning at this stage I suppose

320 posts overnight on the Gardai acted aggressively thread.

The lads studiously avoiding getting dragged into the Covid fight have to fight somewhere I S’pose.

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A dry January thread

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Some lads determined for one last big ‘win’ on TFK before year end …they’re relentless in pursuit of victory…

And we’re off…

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Could be a bloodbath later between the two threads.


Shaping up to be a day of days on the old forum.

Take care lads


Once the drink starts flowing here all bets are off

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Starts? There’s a few lads who haven’t sobered up in a month

RTEs NYE countdown show will surely trigger a few lads, myself probably included

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The roof could come off this place by the time we come out the far side of lockdown …some lads are on the brink…

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Thankfully new year’s eve isn’t until tomorrow.

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Old Year’s Day is a time for lads to settle scores.

A month? I think you’re being kind to a few lads

They’ll bring on Clare Byrne, Tubridy, George Lee, Holohan and McDonkey to cancel the fireworks at 11.55 and replace it with the footage from the Clare Byrne show demonstrating how to put on a coat