The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

It’s pathetic in all seriousness.

Fun too

Lads are tetchy. I wonder what’s brought it about

Bad weather. Drinking stronger IPA indooors

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All losing their bollix on the crypto

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Would Rorys latest capitulation be a contributing?

That and the most electric Allianz Hurling league of all time

It’s the saddest thread on here. Myboyblue spending his whole day hovering over it waiting for somebody to show a few distress signals so he can bump it.


Fuck it lads, it’s gonna blow I reckon. Did some lads lose the bollocks gambling again?

I wouldn’t begrudge lads whatever kicks they get out of this place

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Did a horse die lads?

5 days to full moon. Its only simmering

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You can smell the crazy

Its the pheromones of the mentallers. If only we can bottle it. Cark - eau de toilette. I can see the adverts pre Christmas now. Donal og and Aisling Thompson running down patricks Hill top less with the locals cheering them on boi

Aisling is an official Team Limerick WAG now. Put some respect on her name


Edited. Thanks for the correction

Leave her out of your fantasy altogether. Substitute for Geary.

The ad needs a bit of cark madness and grit

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Oh thank God

“Steamer “ is a great Limerick city word -