The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

He got banned from GAABoard and recently set up a new account there and promptly wrote 2,000 words of Golden Cleric/Alan Partridge-esque rot about how great he supposedly is! I think he may even have inadvertantly quoted Partridge’s “Bouncing Back” at one stage.

The neediness is off the scale. :grinning:

If ever there has been a poster that needs professional help, it’s him.

I can gladly go down any route with this.

Our resident doxxer nutbag had quite a visible meltdown on the GAABoard where he accused a poster called Angelo of making allegations he was a rapist.


Much to the bemusement of the whole forum who had no idea what he was on about.

The internet can be serious business and some people just aren’t cut out for it. After a ban the prolific doxxer went off an created a parody account of Angelo.

But sure look a leopard can’t change his spots and a creepy man on the internet is always going to find ways of trying to destroy people he has never met because his life has no other purpose.

Thread here for those who want to make their minds up…

Who’s Been Cancelled?? (

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9.99 :grinning:

The Simpsons Reaction GIF



I’ve just listened to ABS on OTB and I’m boiling nicely.

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James Skehill

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Deary me

He’s after getting out for a bit of fresh air now at least, at a real-life match an’ all :grin:

@Piles_Hussain and @Peejaymc have driven @Bandage over the edge…

How’s she tipping


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It’s going to be a long winter. Don’t be surprised if the forum breaks.

The crazy lads are actually cracking up early.


@Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy is teetering around 9.9 tonight. It’s bizarre

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Can ye name the threads and posters FFS

Classic passive aggressiveness here. :upside_down_face:

Yeah a week early. Next full moon is next Wednesday. Will be a long week