The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum


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I was accused of being ugly in 1995. 1996 fair enough…but '95. Jaysus.

Hold my beer…

Don’t forget to put on the flip flops and ankle bracelet

Ive them set down beside the friendship braclets youve been making me now that I won the lotto.

I see you.

I’m not in to role playing mate, sorry

You play the role youve been assigned here pretty well, hamming it up even.

TFK is a ferocious business

R (11)


I despair Mike.

Sit back and enjoy. Labane and Sid will batter the shit out of each other over the weekend with a couple of notable contributions from the likes of @glenshane just to stir it up. I’m looking forward to it

Leonardo Di Caprio Look GIF by Once Upon A Time In Hollywood


Spider-Man Reaction GIF


Grossly offensive mike. My contributions are the epitome of modest stillness and humility

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Fix this, you useless bollix

I fixed it already. Firewood


You haven’t the hands to light a match

You on the sherry again?

No yet. I’m just after completing my evening perambulations and now I’m off to buy several bottles of Belgian ales and crisp lager. I’ll let you know how it goes.