The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

It’s sad to see lads desperately hovering around this thread hoping some lad has a melt down so they can get a few kicks.


It’s blown over the last 24 hours. Time to unplug it for a day or two and come back fresh on Friday.

which thread is kicking off?

Imagine in a world pandemic hoping lads would lose the plot. He’s hovering on this thread for the last few weeks.

I’ve just one poster on Iggy and the board is a nice & calm 4.5

It does seem to be the way to go, but I really thing @cunty_balls has something to contribute here in time.

Possibly, but I’ll wait til I don’t have as much time on my hands


giphy (54)


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The latter stages of the Pretend Hurling Championship could get real nasty.

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I’m predicting three (3) meltdowns

It’s gonna be epic on here tonight.

where the good stuff, i only read half the shite on here

Lads are on edge. It could kick off anywhere.

What have I missed? Where’s it kicking off

Did you manage to help @TheManHimself earlier

He was fierce confused so he was after your little quip regarding thai restaurants. I had to give up

I must have missed that.

The Twitter thread around 11am

Ah yeah, the head chef. Done.

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