The Batshit Crazy Internecine Temperature of the Forum

It’s what Fine Gael have been saying for years - if only they’d listened


Like the Ukrainians should do now?

They weren’t asking nicely. They were quite rightly demanding it in the same way black Americans did.

But then a criminal murder gang of fools started in the south and led by an Englishman came along and made their lot much, much worse.

Bad as it was the brits werent actually dropping cluster bombs on us…and they did implement the good friday agreement, rather than just say they would while continuing with the bombing

No they practiced all that over Cologne via bomber Harris

The lads lining up for a big weekend of it again. I dont know how they do it.

We could be in for another big weekend of it

a big weekend … Jesus wept …

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A wet Tuesday night / Wednesday morning and it blows up

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Is he gone from us?

Where’s this now?

You hate to see a lad let himself down like that.

Accusations of posters being homosexual on a Tuesday night were bizarre alright.

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which thread?

Elon Musk

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A fella trying to make an angle using cancer for deflection too, twud make you sick but not surprising.

By god

Which thread

Full moon time

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Lads are actually arguing about Enoch Burke