The best Ipad Apps as used by you cunts

So, ya, here are the ones I’ve enjoyed, aside from sykpe and facebook and such.

ibooks - the only “book” I downloaded was the user guide for the ipad which is deadly.
draw something - savage. Random people watch you draw something. If you’re feeling nasty you can draw something not very nice. Then they “leave”. Still, I had my fun.

harbour master - never gets old. drive boats. dont crash boats.
beatwave - fun. makes you feel like a musician and it’s piss easy which makes me think that musicians spend 98% of their time off their faces and 2% of their time on this app to make their music.
sounddrop - fun. noisy and annoying and gets more so as more balls fall and make more noise so it’s perfect for leaving next to someone as it gradually drives them crazy. It also drives cats crazy.
sculpt 3d - get a face and mash it to bits. Like coppers but without the need for your wrist getting tattoo’d
TuneIN Pro - Internet Radio and a must for when RTE are having issues when they show “apologies for the loss of sound”. You can also find out the traffic in Guernsey. It might not sound like much but Guernsey is rich and going through a great period of richness so it’s nice to listen to them talking about prosperity and try to imagine you are there and everything is ok.
Jamie Oliver - So that you look for all intents and purposes like a modern gent capable of cooking when all you have ever used the ladle for was scratching the hard to reach area of your back and the biggest pot in your house is only EVER used to carry hot water to the car when the windscreen is frosted over.
Fuck it I have more but I’ve got to drown a dookie…
Later gheys!

Yours in being apptastic,

Why the fook is the hotmail app so shit? I apparently have only two emails in existence according to it.

Because hotmail is shit. Bin it mate

It is. I wanna keep the address though. They’ve switched over to outlook now or something, it’s way better. But the app, wtf…

The outlook app is awful too.

Anyone jail break this sonuvabitch? Safe or not?

Anyone have any other good ones? just acquired one of these.
Is there any way of watching streams or free sport on them?

Not an iPad app, but I must say the ParkingTag App is a splendid little thing to have for anyone parking around the capital. No need to go digging for change or a meter, and no worrying about going back to top up if you end up going over the time on your meter, you get a text and you simply top up your meter via the app. Just excellent :clap:

Use ibooks and kindle a fair bit.

Filmon and Oplayer HD for tv/movies.

Yahoo mail is shite on it. Can’t delete a load of mails that you have marked as unread

I find SkyGo on the iPad a brilliant piece of work.

It is and I downloaded another app called VPN one click which allows very easy use of a VPN on the iPad allowing Sky Go to be used from abroad. It worked very well for the other day for the Leinster game on what was a ropey enough internet connection.

I purchased Word, Excel and PowerPoint last week and I’m very pleased with them. The Excel app lacks some functionality such as pivot tables but being able to edit spreadsheets on the go is an invaluable resource for spreadsheet jockeys like me.

Is there an extra cost involved with this? That sounds like a great app.

No extra cost as far as I know, seems even cheaper imo. Register your car and card and you’re away in a hack. Uses gps to ascertain what sector you are in and you tell it how long you wish to park for. Its bleeding rapid.

I concur with this. This is a super app.

How do the little pricks cycling around for the clampers know that you’ve paid if there is no ticket on the car? I presume the system is foolproof and the clampers have some access to this information?

I imagine they have allowed for this, it would be quite a flaw in the system if they didnt. I’ve been using it since December and have had no such issues. The ability to renew without returning to the vehicle is a dinger of a job.

It used to be that you got a barcode for your car that they could read with a machine (I was an early adopter of this technology, you see). Now they just scan your car reg in. I expect that mbb will have also have inputted details of his car reg at some stage.

That would be correct