The bored thread

You didn’t follow? What age are you?

Any lad in his 20s shouldn’t be passing the days. Travel… Maybe set up a business doing something that interests you… Change something.



Get into Twitter spats with Irish journos living in Brazil. It appears to be the ‘in’ thing to do

You’re girlfriend’s left for Kentucky.
There’s about 10 songs you can write about that straight away and set yourself up as a major Country and Irish star, which would alleviate the boredom.


Take a trip to oz and sort out @fitzy s Frank problem



A few more bumps and you won’t be bored

Hard to believe people would actually celebrate winning the most boring game of all time

I’m struggling hugely the past 36 hours. I can’t keep myself occupied at anything. It’s utter misery. I get into a rhythm for five or six days and then bang I start pondering every bad decision I’ve ever made for a day. It gets you fair down. I don’t really think I’m missing any one thing outside of family but what the real killer is not knowing When will things return to normal or what sort of time scale. If somebody said tomorrow this time next year we’ll be back to normal I think I’d find it much easier. It’s the element of unknown that I’m finding really tough.

Go out for a run or something. Clear the head

I had that last week. Everything was annoying me and, even though I had hundreds of tv shows, movies, books, PlayStation games etc on my fingers tips, I wanted to play none of them.

Ride it out. Do some exercise. Drink a few cans. It’ll pass

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Have you considered counselling? Serious now mind.

Ya that’s exactly it absolutely nothing interests me it’s like a mental block. Extremely frustrating.

You are missing the routine and thrill of the Horses and socialising. That happens young men.

As you get older you’ll find having the free time to get bored the issue.

As I said above, now is the time to spread your wings. Get off that Punting Buzz train and set your mind back at the College Course ( if that ever existed ).

If you can put your mind to another life path ( as well as studying horses ) you will find the correct route.

Stop lying to yourself etc.

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There are 100s of things you could be doing sure dont ye own a load of horses too …

Have ever considered, quite seriously, that we are designed to run and hunt.
Seriously, just start
Look at a couch to 5k if you’re really unfit. Just get going. Exercise is not always good for you, but it’s the healthiest of the addictions.
I’m deadly earnest here.
Please please give it a try.

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This is normal


I’d be fit enough but much prefer cycling to running. I could never run. I haven’t the concentration to just run.


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Ps FWIW, the Irish horsey board are desperate to get going again in six weeks behind closed doors, and are waiting only until they feel the public mood won’t swing hard at them.