The bored thread

I couldn’t give two hoots about racing. I very much doubt it’ll be anyway back to normal in the next twelve months.

Never once this this dope show any interest in the cycling thread or le tour and he is telling us he is a cycling fanatic.

It’s not that nice running. It never is. No matter how fit you get, the first fifteen minutes are bad, but I promise, as you keep at it, it improves, in that after that, for gradually increasing times and distances, it feels ok, before feeling hard again at the end, but the rest of the day improves.
Cycling is only good if you can work hard at it, which is difficult in Ireland at the minute, so running it is.
Concentrate hard on forefoot running.

I’ve no interest in watching it I just prefer it to running. I haven’t the temperament to run.

What I said about racing above is straight from the horse’s mouth.

Mate seriously, it can’t be more than two or three weeks since you (not sure who exactly you were back then, Barney I’d say) were extolling the virtues of running in the morning with a load of old guff about mental clarity and birds singing and a load more shit.
Now you tell us you could never run???
Have you any will power at all, exercise will help you a lot right now if anything you say is true, get up on your bike, borrow dumbbells, stop whining about being bored and suffering with mental health if you’re not going to helpl yourself, posting here certainly won’t help, I’d imagine it’s got the self worth value of a sunny afternoon spent wanking

Lads are bigger eejita for entertaining his horseshit

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I’m not a runner. I get bored of most things after a short period and I wouldn’t really say I’m lacking in exercise at the moment. I’m not so sure why you are hovering in on it.

Lads wont be back at work a wet week when we’ll see posts about being burnt out and needing a few days off.


I very much doubt it and I’m not sure if I’m the only one but I seem to need fuck all sleep anymore. I’m operating off six hours and I’m not evening napping. It’s an absolute bastard.

Boredom is a sign of lack of zen. You should be using any spare time to achieve your zen.


Even the temperature gauge around here is back down to around the 3 mark I’d say

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Challenge-game intensity


Yep, enjoy it in as much as possible,think positive

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I need to find something to do as immature tomorrow as I did yesterday

I enjoy the strider thingy etc in the park,stick on Spotify and watch the world pass by

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You know, I just enjoy a good walk.

I used to Mike,my little westie passed on a few years ago so normal walking is a no no,in ordinary times I hit the cliffs a few times a week

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Cork are flying

