The Cackhand Thread

Gary Kirby was a cackhanded striker on his stronger side but could also hold the hurley in either hand. If you look at his goal at 3:25 here, he holds the hurley with the left hand and catches with the right before hitting with the right cackhanded.

Thatā€™s actually orthodox left hander style, but striking with the right. Itā€™s how an orthodox left hander such as Pat Fox would have struck a similar shot.

In his point at 1:30 here, he catches with the left and hits cackhanded with the right. Thatā€™s the classic cackhand style.

Iā€™d say it would be a great way of building strength on your weaker arm/wrist/hand if you held the hurley with your weak hand on top for your whole life

I thought it was about drugs but I suspect many here are full time on something

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Those points are extremely interesting, thanks. And there are exceptions, as you say, with TJ Reid a notable case in point.

What percentage of kids, in your coaching experience, have a dominant hand that is not the hand with which they write? Is it statistically significant?

There is also the complicating factor that a lot of top sports people are crosslateralized: lefthanded and rightfooted (Ian Rush) or, more commonly, righthanded and leftfooted (Joe Brolly, Dan Carter, David Clifford, Colm Cooper, CĆ³nal Keaney, Paddy McBrearty, Lionel Messi, James Oā€™Donoghue).

Iā€™m unlikely to sleep tonight given the TJ revelation, this was surely box office at some point. Not really sure where to startā€¦ before Mr O Dowd who was priomhoide in Ballyhale?

Are some fellas looking for coaches to check out childrenā€™s handwriting in school now?


Long before. TJ can hurl rhot ā€“ and I have watched him bury penalties rhot. He just always preferred lhot. As I mentioned, there is a strong ciotĆ³g gene in the Reids.

Equally, PĆ”raic Mahony is TJā€™s second cousin.

Most of them arenā€™t elite sports people.

Your opinion. I think Carter and Messi are quite good.

Any shinty players cackhanded?

Very few - just noted some kids over the years writing with a hand I would not expect from what I knew of them playing. But not many opportunities to observe that- either conversations with the kids, their parents maybe or seeing them write their names on stuff. It is not something I seek to find out when they start off. I want to find their dominant sports hand based on how they approach a simple game with a ball and a bat/racket.

Hereā€™s another interesting experiment - was mentioned by another poster in jest - spending time, ideally from age 12-16 playing with the other hand as dominant hand. I have seen an example of an extremely motivated and talented kid do this with great results. When reverting to the natural grip the strength and dexterity developed in both wrists stood out.

Practicing skills based games with two footballs or two hurleys per player is also interesting at adult level.

Kevin ?

Lol definitely not kev. Iā€™d be a weak cunt in his book Iā€™m sure - sooner rather than later.

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Hopefully people will be able to come back to this material. Other matters hoveā€¦

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Outstanding post from @Gilabbey_st


Like an oasis amidst the maelstrom

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Copied and saved.

Are there any successful golfers with dominant hand on top, Iā€™ve seen plenty of hurlers well able to shoot the lights out on the course ā€˜cackhandedā€™

Seriously doubt it. You could argue with grips for putting but thank fuck the one man who would argue that and pretty much anything else you wish has been banned for a thousand years

this guy is a professional, touring on one of the lesser tours. he got to a few European tour events too. None of the top guys have unorthodox grips.