The Cager Thread

yes, how dare he cycle in a protected cycle lane and expect not to be killed

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have a look at his videos. Also in this one, he could see the car and could slow down, but he waits to the very end to make a big point of how hard he has to brake. Its a shitty junction and people are bad drivers. He cycles around like a lunatic trying to be aggrieved at every car on the road.


Strange take.

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There’s a junction and a pedestrian crossing. He doesn’t adjust his speed. He’ll say that’s his right but he’s not a considerate road user and people with that attitude will tend to get their come uppance. There’s a fair chance his death will be captured on his go pro for posterity.

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the cager that pulls out into a cycle lane is at fault here

if he pulled out onto a road in front of a moving car would you blame the other car

Exactly. His videos point to a deeply unhappy man.

Cars often to that to get onto a road. I’d let them in as it’s polite. I wouldn’t deliberately drive into one to prove a point.

The cyclist with the go pro needs to learn some zen and decorum and basic manners. He’s an unmannerly oaf.

He’s a cyclist mate. Has a grudge against the world


Calm. Kindness. Kinship. Love. He’s given up all chance at inner peace. He’s made his mind a sunless space. he share his dreams with ghosts. He wake up every day to an equation he wrote 15 years ago from which there’s only one conclusion, he’s damned for what he does. His anger, his ego, his unwillingness to yield, his eagerness to fight, they’ve set him on a path from which there is no escape. He yearned to be a savior against injustice without contemplating the cost and by the time he looked down there was no longer any ground beneath his feet.

What is his sacrifice?

He’s condemned to use the tools of his enemy to defeat them. He burns his decency for someone else’s future. He burns his life to make a sunrise that he knows he’ll never see. And the ego that started this fight will never have a mirror or an audience or the light of gratitude.

So what does he sacrifice?



you are ok with cars blocking roads?

All cars block roads. They are all traffic.

The creep oaf with the camera on his head needs to reflect on his deep, deep unhappiness.

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Cat got your tongue @Gman ?

absolutely the car is at fault. They pull out in front of him. But he is able to see the car before they can see him, so he could be a diligent road user and slow down so as not to cause an accident precipitated by another road user. He doesnt want to do this though, he wants to zoom around and wave and shout at cars.

Like I said, cyclists are in danger every day on roads and cagers are absolute cunts, but he doesnt help himself at all.

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he’s from Cork. That should be enough to know what to think


“My path”, the arrogance of these cunts.


He’ll yield to physics soon enough and he’ll be an organ donor.

Except nobody will want the cunt’s eyes.


We have to remember that no all cyclists are cunts, just the vast majority of them.

:heart: Ukraine, what a gowl.


Lads are obviously buying them from dodgy sources

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