The Cancer Thread

Isn’t that what caused the problem?


Best of boy

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I don’t think there’s anything wrong with his eyes.

The very best of luck to you @iron_mike, one of the good guys :+1:

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Good luck @iron_mike. We’re rooting for you.

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Best of luck @iron_mike

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Very best of luck to you @iron_mike

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Best wishes to you and yours @iron_mike

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All of us rooting for you @iron_mike, you’ll be up and running again in no time.

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I’ve been on the throne for the last hour and a bit.
Had to take some stuff to clear out the bowels. Could be on the night watchman thread if this keeps going

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Best of luck chief :muscle::facepunch:

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Best of luck tomorrow and for the next few days @iron_mike

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All the best @iron_mike

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Best of luck for the coming days @iron_mike.

Good luck @iron_mike



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Hup outa that👍

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Some cunt :muscle: