The Cancer Thread

Great stuff @iron_mike :+1: a mighty sound man

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Wife’s good friend was diagnosed this week with breast cancer. Seemed to have diagnosed it early so all should be ok. My wife went with her for the diagnosis. She said even though it wasn’t her, the Adrenalin rush and head swimming when news is broken was unreal so can only imagine what it was like for her friend.

They went to another friends last night and downed a few bottles of wine.

Breast cancer seems to be very common - I know of three cases just in last few months - all women 30s or early 40s.


The earlier the better. We should all be feeling our bits regularly … Best of luck to her.


Are you aware of any instances where lads diagnosed their significant other’s breast cancer?

My Mam is one of six sisters. 3 of them died of breast cancer. My mam had her baps chopped off I think.

Is that why you never filled out?


Inadvertently found a lump on the Mrs’ funbags years ago. Turned out to be benign. Nervy few weeks. We weren’t even living together at that stage

Finding lumps like this is quite common I’m told.

Fair play to you for offering to inspect them.

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The feeling is worse for the person with you. I was just in a blind hayes when I was told. It was the wife who copped on straight away. It was a good couple of days before I realised what was going on.


The bastard is back lads. Spread to the liver


Keep strong mate you slayed it once you’ll do it again.

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I’m incredibly sorry to hear this Mike, fight this fucker.

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Ah jaysus. Keep on fighting mike

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Ah for fuck sake.

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Jaysus Mike, championship hurling again with that. Best of luck

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Ah fuck it Mike, I’m very sorry to hear that. A setback but regather yourself and beat it again, get through it.

Ah crap Mike. You’ll beat it again.

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Go get them :tiger2:

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