The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Twee (or help Flatty identify the celeb he just spotted) (Part 1)

Thatā€™s an outrageous call.

Enough is enough.

Nominations need to be logged before the weekend and we put someone at the Wheel who understands the Rules of the Road.

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A perfectly good spot, nice detail, prompt logging of the spot. What more can a poster do?

The question here is whether Marty is a celebrity or not. Glas says no.

Marty is the epitome of a celebrity.

TV & Radio royalty ffs.

You would have thought that would be sufficient but there you go.

I canā€™t imagine sitting down to watch a Eurovision without Marty narrating. The essence of celebrity


Thatā€™s the way its gone now I suppose

40 years heā€™s been on the go.

He had the rose of tralee for a while as well.

Rteā€™s Terry Wogan

As clear a spot as youā€™ll get

He hosts Wiining Streak. Winning fucking Streak like!!!

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An Irish institutionā€¦

Is this a political play by glas against horsebox. Itā€™s the only explanation.

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Can someone impartial start a Nomination thread please?

Airing out personal gripes in a thread for reporting spots of celebrities is the lowest of the low

@glasagusban came into the role without an election following a nomination, Cearbhail Oā€™Dalaigh style.

I think its safe to say that he has been a thundering disgrace.


@glasagusban has no authority here. I am the watcher on the wall.

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I think heā€™s basically resigned with that call

Iā€™m quiet happy with how youā€™ve performed but there is a shadow lurking.

We need a Democratic choice, a choice of the people, mods & clergy.


This is a spot

The sword has swung


Your watch has begun. Youā€™ve my vote anyway