The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Twee (or help Flatty identify the celeb he just spotted) (Part 1)

I thought the one in crocodile Dundee was gas . The lad who said “ Mick you frightened the shit of me “

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Nah mate

What did he say?

He wanted to know if he could eat you

The abo’s call him Jabba-Jahda-Ah-Der-Ahd, which means The Crocodile Who Walks Like a Man.

The Ella brothers were good rugby players


Never heard of him but it seems he’s a quiet colourful character.

That’s a spot

The sword has swung

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That’s a spot.

The sword has swung

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Wonderful adjudication.


A real return to form. And on a Friday. Superb.


Who: Israel Folau
Where: Getting out of a lft in the Westin Hotel, Sydney.
When: this morning, circa 10am
With: His wife
Wearing: black wollen jumper, grey tracksuit bottoms, white trainers
Demeanour: Didn’t seem happy. His Mrs definitely wasn’t happy, she looks a bit vicious.
Famous for: Being a rugby league player, godbotherer and homophobe.


I preferred your Andrew goodes spot however.

Live Spot

Who: Mary Lou McDonald
Location : Dublin Airport Security

Amsterdam too? :open_mouth:

Full body search could take a while.

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That’s a spot

The sword has swung

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Thats a spot

The sword has swung

Do you spend your days hanging around lifts and escalators looking for celebrities?

They just seem to be attracted to me mate. Bob Hawke’s daughter was at the table beside us last night at dinner, but I’m not going to push my luck.

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He’s a security guard. No money in copier paper anymore.

Data security. Great money in Robotic process automation these days.