The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Twee (or help Flatty identify the celeb he just spotted) (Part 1)

Itā€™s just about dooable, but remember weā€™re talking a ā€œkeep up appearancesā€ woman here. I still have my doubts.

What do you think @Fagan_ODowd? I think itā€™s time.

Do you suspect he said breezy goodbyes in Radio Centre, strolled out and across the N11 and hopped on the 46a or another town bound bus before alighting around Leeson Street / Waterloo Road and walking the rest of the way into towards Stephenā€™s Green area? Almost inviting and enjoying the attention. Iā€™ve seen him saluting people left, right and centre and receiving horn beeps from taxi drivers. Or maybe he drove in and had access to a car parking space around Baggot Street? Or he possibly availed of on street parking at the canal end of Baggot Street? Itā€™s something I never got to the bottom of.

Was he wearing tackies?

No, that typical RTƉ personality in his late 30s/early 40s get up of that era (2008/2012 ish). Shiny brown shoes, jeans, smart causal shirt and blazer.

Appreciate the detail pal, thanks.

I can only speculate that he got the 118 as this would be a quiter bus with less riff raff and alighted at Donnybrook village, possibly pausing to grab a caffeinated drink at Donnybrook fair, took a brisk stroll through Herbert Park, saluting all and sundry before joining Pembroke Road at Rolyā€™s Birsro, pausing briefly to salute the flag at the American Embassy before making his way onwards towards town.


I just donā€™t think he would have walked all the way in from Donnybrook. He must have gotten a lift or driven in a bit or taken the bus. Itā€™s just that I canā€™t be certain. And, in fairness, itā€™s not the first high profile case where the trail has gone cold around the Baggot Street area.


Thatā€™s a game changer. I read your initial post as Pembroke Street but you said Pembroke Road. That completely brings the 118 into play.

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Iā€™m disinclined to allow these two Cork no marks as spots, Iā€™m afraid. You can rest assured however that I gave them every consideration.


You have to take into account that the walking times on Google maps must be for morbidly obese people with arthritic knees. You could knock at least 10% off those times.


This all sounds a bit Deely.

Youā€™ve mentioned everything else there except ā€œthe scream of a low flying jetā€.


I was introduced to the head of sports science at man city today who seemed a nice enough sort. He had a first team player with him, but I didnā€™t recognize him so Iā€™m not claiming it as a spot yet, but Iā€™m off to see can I find a photo.
The player looked about 12, was in fully city kit, with a tracksuit which had ā€œcityzensā€ on the back, shaves his legs and had a haircut like your man in dumb and dumber.

Edit , quick Google shows it was Phil Foden who Iā€™ve vaguely heard of.
Also seemed happy and cheerful, and why wouldnā€™t he given football looks like it saved him from snatching handbags.
Heā€™s also really quite small, but a hardy looking little bugger.


Heā€™s a serious player, future england Star

Not a Spot. He was at his place of work.




Youā€™re post is ambiguous. Iā€™ll need more detail on this aspect.

Thatā€™ll be a good one to use in years to come, Foden is a superstar in the making, lovely player