The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Twee (or help Flatty identify the celeb he just spotted) (Part 1)

Never heard of him.

How do you know?

What a cunt.

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Who: Hector Ɠ hEochagĆ”in
When: Sunday week
Where: Marina Market, Cork
Why: I was there with my family having a lovely pizza for lunch
What else: I saw who I thought was Hector but I thought sure that canā€™t be him, this is Cork (like). But when I listened to the last podcast he said he was down the country and mentioned he was in Cork. He had a snood covering his face but youā€™d know by the gatch of him. Heā€™s smaller than what I thought heā€™d be and heā€™s a bundle of energy, zip/zapping around the place.

Sunday week? Youā€™re logging spots from the future now?

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Please clarify when this was?

Sunday, 21st March, 2021. 12:43 pm


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Youā€™re gone full Cark!

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Thatā€™s a generous award. Someone with the gatch of Hector?

It was him alright. The gatch was the first thing I saw and drew my curious eyes in his direction.

Can the moderator please give an infraction for consistent backseat moderating here?

cc @padjo cc @Mickey2020

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Who? The Welch wife beater
Where? Wilmslow there this afternoon
He had a mashk on but I recognised the cunt.
Looks like heā€™s just back from holidays**

**Sunbed I suspect.

Who are we talking about here?

Giggseh Iā€™d say

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Spotted Malachy Clerkin of the Irish Times on Furry Park Road, Dublin 5, on my afternoon stroll today. I was on my way to the Sybil Hill Road entrance of St Anneā€™s Park at around 3.43pm and he was walking in the opposite direction. I dare say he was coming from the park himself, possibly having been impressed by the Nationwide St Anneā€™s Park special on RTE last night. He was wearing a grey and white light sweatshirt / jumper and those ridiculous three quarter length / below the knee shorts that were all the rage in around 2008. He was sporting rosy red cheeks and was walking up on the grass verge with his head buried in his phone (instead of walking on the path). My sense was he wasnā€™t making a conspicuous effort to avoid Covid community transmission, he just didnā€™t want to have to weave past people on the path while scrolling down his Twitter timeline.


Jesus that is some crime against humanityā€¦ On a par with wearing crocs in public or an adult wearing a jersey of a sports team

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