The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Twee (or help Flatty identify the celeb he just spotted) (Part 1)

Who is the hipster with the tattoos ???

Iā€™m guessing itā€™s a chap that works at Druids Glen

He has been in some absolute stinkers too, something doesnā€™t add up with the cunt

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He takes the cheque

There were chips in the bucket and a battered haddock on the spade

:rofl: Probably

Which Centra was this now. Just out of curiosity really. If heā€™s considering beach activities around Dungiven heā€™s possibly heading our direction for the sky-diving segmentā€¦.

We dont have a central in dungiven. You cheeky bollix. Believe it or not some of us stray outside of our parish from time to time, for purposes other than a papal visit etc.

I smell bullshit as itā€™s fairly unusual not to state where the spot took placeā€¦.


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Where would you suggest bill should buy his bucket and spade?

What town did the spot occur?

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Can we all get together and give Harry a nice post. The seethe is clearly off the charts. Iā€™ll get the ball rolling

Iā€™m wary to tall tales is all.

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No harm in that Harry. Probably wise in this day and age.


Who? Nick Leeson.
Famous for ? Celebrity bank crasher, jailbird, and being played in a film by Ewan McGregor.
When? Just there yesterday in Galway out in his back garden at the bins.
Resembles butterbean.


Youā€™ve been refused a spot for him before iirc


Heā€™s shameless, heā€™ll probably throw a strop with poor @Fagan_ODowd when it gets knocked back too


Iā€™m sure you must be wrong.

The green eyed monster is out.

Thatā€™s a spot.