The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Twee (or help Flatty identify the celeb he just spotted) (Part 1)

I can only dream of hobnobbing in Barna4


And actually itā€™s bolybeg/drum cross

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A tremendous spot at that.

Before the new glassesā€¦ā€¦

Kenny Cunningham doesnā€™t have a movie made about him starring Ewan McGregor

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Iā€™m heading up to Galway tomorrow

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He has enough troubles without you arriving.

Itā€™s pissing rain. I mightnā€™t bother.

Not a spot.




Who? Ian Bailey.
Famous for? He a murder suspect.
When? Just there now.
Where? On the Dunlickey, cliff walk, Kilkee.
Dress? Casual army shorts.
Demeanour? Sour.
Other observations? Heā€™s a big man carrying a lot of weight. He was on the way down so not overly stressed. He may have been doing the reverse Dunlickey which has a less strenuous climb up the coast road.

Thatā€™s a spot

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Due to a conflict of interest I am delegating adjudication duties on this one to @flattythehurdler

Who. Joe Duffy
Famous For. Host of Liveline.
Where. Clontarf Road.
When. Last evening.
Wearing. Orange round neck T-shirt. Blue shorts.
Notable Feature of possible spot. Joe was in his bare feet.

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A massive test of character for @flattythehurdler. Hereā€¦

I wouldnā€™t be very hopefull. @flattythehurdler isnā€™t very strong on RTƉ personalities. And we all know theyā€™re not real spots anyway. Even if he was barefoot and pregnant.

The English ladies at work all listen to Joe Duffy of an afternoon after I listened an odd time.

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Who: Amy Huberman
Famous For: Actress, star of terrible TV shows, married to a lad who played a bit of Rugby
Where: Seafield Beach Walk, Wexford
When: Earlier this evening
Details: Mrs Mac and I were out for an evening stroll after grabbing some dinner close by. We were walking down towards the beach and a golf buggy came hurtling towards us. I was surprised to see it was a lady driving it and I assumed it was a hotel staff member. As it got closer the face became more familiar. As we moved out of the way to let it by us I realised it was herself. We exchanged hellos and she told us the beach looked resplendent as the sun was beginning to fade. After she left Mrs Mac informed me she was wearing the same cardigan that sheā€™s been wearing all week in her Insta stories.


Her and the husband are always below there, they have some ambassadorial role with Seafield

He helped promote it when it opened. Fairly sure they were given a free house as part of the deal. Charlotte Church and Gavin Henson were regular visitors back in the day - thatā€™s not today nor yesterday


Even though I donā€™t believe Ms Huberman used the word ā€œresplendentā€ thatā€™s a spot.


Itā€™s a safer bet that she didnā€™t say ā€œthe beach is looking fucking savageā€ā€¦.