The Celebrity Spotting Thread Part Twee (or help Flatty identify the celeb he just spotted) (Part 1)

You’ve been holding that one back for years.


Something got him started.

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Good and all as this game is, let’s take time to remind ourselves that mick Hucknall is a cunt of the highest order.



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That’s a spot.

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I don’t know what’s going on around here, who is the official adjudicator?
Smark, I have a lot of respect for you but Seamus Hickey and Joe McKenna???

FOAD you cunt.


This is hurling country mate.

This is madcap limerick hurling country. Fall in.

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I am the adjudicator. I was unanimously elected by my peers in an open poll a mere few weeks ago. What’s unclear about that?


Getting the dart home from the daughters house in Howth I’d say.

You didn’t even get 50 % of the vote you fucking chancer.

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Harry. Fuck right fucking off before I tell your peers eggactly who you are and what eggactly you do on a daily basis.

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Fire ahead bro

Brimmer seems to be suggesting he’s a chicken farmer.


Lets hope its just farming chickens and he isnt doing anything worse to them

Cop on you little cunt. Take your beating and be gone out of this thread.

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We all know who Harry is. Sure he asked me for tips on Twitter one time when TFK was down. Why do people think that revealing who other posters are will really do anything?

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Who: Ireland and Leinster Second Row Forward Mike McCarthy
When: About 4pm today
Where: Gourmet Food parlour Dun Laoighire
With: His wife/partner and baby
Wearing: Knee length Navy Leinster Shorts with MMCC emblazomed on the side. Trainers and a Grey Hoodie
Other notes:Seemed an easy going sort. Lots of scars on his face and the remains of nasty looking bruise on his temple. His missus is very good looking and not a bit waggish lookng
He ordered Clonakilty BlacK Pudding Salad for a Starter which he shared with the missus. I don’t know what they had for main course because his missus whipped out her tit and started breast feeding the baby. I had to stop ‘observing’ pretty lively or I may have been arrested or battered or both.