The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

Yes, they are not as well planned as a private company. They are more ad hoc. They change and a new manifesto is brought in. New problems emerge. Capital spending is paid from current revenue.

Your statement was nonsense.

You keep saying this but don’t back it up.

It’s not worth engaging with any further. It was a foolish statement.

It shouldn’t be hard to.

Governments largely run budgets to break even and ran on the basis of election cycles and changes in the macro environment. It is very different to a private company.

That used to be the case.

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Government budgets are different to company budgets. Searing insight. Also besides the point and different to your earlier wrong statement.

Strong words from Michael D…

The trough swilling fat bastard


This is the same Michael D Higgins who was reported to have sold one of his houses, which had sitting tenants at the time, to take advantage of a tax break before the loophole closed.


As my mother would say “He’s as fat as a fool”

An no he might write a bloody poem about it

behold the trough snouter supreme has spoken. tis easy to speak about homelessness when you live in a state supplied mansion

Three pensions, and three homes worth €1.5m… | NewsScoops.Org - Irish Newspaper Investigations

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I suppose you are aware of all the circumstances there?

“You can’t talk about homelessness unless you’re homeless” Fooly, 2022.


thanks for proving mine and @myboyblue s points about your posting style.

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Go on?

I don’t know what point that is but I presume it’s inane and ignored by everyone.

you’re a presumptive prissy little cunt. its why you’re an internet lightweight

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The rage is coming fast today, you stupid fucker.

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