The Celtic Phoenix - A thread to list the economic miracles of Michael Noonan & Fine Gael

Sling your hook mate, we’ve sussed out your game you FF bastard.

I see Noonan is using TFK lingo now.

“Since they [Fianna Fáil] moved away from the position of sending responsibility of Irish Water back to Local Authorities, and agreed to a national utility - that has been a bit of a game-changer.

Delighted to see the big man continue in his role as Minister for Finance. Recognition of his sterling work in saving the Irish economy in recent times. He presided over a truly miraculous transformation and ultimately showed the IMF the door.

That cunt Niall Collins will be seething.

Looking forward to seeing what two sixteen and two seventeen bring. Continued economic growth, no doubt.

Would he not just retire for himself.

Unfortunately no. He believes he could yet be the party’s leader.But @dodgy_keeper is right he is a cunt and is only 43.


The Kaiser has it sorted


This Moody’s news is another feather in Enda’s cap. Presiding over one of the greatest economic miracles of all time. Can’t see how we could possibly fuck this up. Well not until FF get back in at least.

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The 750 Million 6 year bond at 0.157% is a tidy piece of business by the Kaiser.

Minister Noonan will save Munster Rugby yet.

Remarkable management from Kaiser Noonan :clap::clap:


Frankly, if it’s some good old-fashioned sex’n’drugs and rock’n’roll you want, skip the summer music festivals and wait until September, for the National Ploughing Championships.

Brian knows the score :clap:

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Brian Boyd must be one of the worst journalists in Ireland.

Nearly all journalists in Ireland are the worst in Ireland, pal.


Could he name a few good ones perhaps? Very doubtful you’d get a consensus on here I’d suspect. Maybe Martin Furlong.

Niamh Horan

Can any of the clever business types (@briantinnion et al) enlighten me please, as I genuinely have no idea?
Is Ireland now a fully functioning burgeoning economy, as all these headlines would have me believe, and is the recession over, the risk of financial meltdown banished, and everything rosy, or, are these figures massaged, based on tax haven shenanigans, and the country still in deep financial trouble?

Someone mentioned recently that this horrible yoke is the highest paid female journalist Ireland. Not sure if true. Sickening if so.

We are flying !!!

There are so many jobs that unemployment benefit is no longer justified.

Well the country has massive levels of state, corporate, and personal debt, a housing crisis, a health system in crisis, and a rapidly ageing and fattening population. I’d say we’re not out of the woods yet.

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Some stat last year claimed 200,000 Irish children living in poverty… the split between the haves and have nots has widened massively.