The centre right have gone too far

I must register my disgust and disdain with the actions of Labour Party cheerleader @Juhniallio. I appeal to all right minded posters to see his actions as beyond the pale of the normal back and forth banter we enjoy on this site. If his attack on @anon98850436 is to be representative of how the Labour Party intend to conduct themselves in the forthcoming campaign then we have indeed reached the nadir of Irish political debate.
@anon98850436 was orphaned within the last number of weeks. I assumed the forum would rally around a grief stricken member but alas the beleaguered labour and centre right contingent didn’t observe the ceasefire. I read the inferences from @Juhniallio to ebeneezers ‘family wealth’ and ‘inheritence’. This is an appalling level to sink to. The man is a grief stricken orphan and he faces taunting because he made a few comments that reflected negatively on the Labour Party / centre right.
Please can we show some level of respect to this man at this time instead of engaging in scurrilous speculation on how the tragic changes to his family situation will impact him?


Wise words.

The undertones clearly referencing @anon98850436’s family situation were disgusting. A personal attack designed only to unsettle the poster. @thedancingbaby may have behaved inappropriately at the time, but he didn’t try to score points online by exploiting it.

I know there’s a bit of roguery and skullduggery on this forum but certain things are beyond the pale.

I don’t think anyone could have the slightest difficulty with @anon98850436 coming out swinging. He didn’t break the code of ethics but now that juhniallo went there, nothing can be off limits.

cosying up to the blueshirts has had a negative affect on Juhys empathy levels

It’s hard to keep track of every Lowry policy and it has Labour scrambling trying to remember what their masters have proclaimed. That’s what happens when you sell out but it doesn’t justify a personal attack on @anon98850436’s family at this time.

I came across the aforementioned @Juhniallio this morning. He was living the life of a champagne socialist dining out for brunch with his entourage. I confronted him on his conduct and he was openly unrepentant, citing the recent poll results in Fingal as justification for his attack. A vile specimen indeed.

Splendid work chaps. Enjoyable thread for you no doubt.
@funtime Good to see your day trip to dublin Fingal was enjoyable. After you left, the establishment noticed that most of the cutlery/condiments from your table had disappeared.