The Chelsea supporters thread


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I wouldn’t know anything about that.

Dragged down. Dragged down.

Oh I think you would.

No mate, you must be confusing me with someone you met on the nonce wing.

Stage 10 rattled.


Meltdown complete I’d say

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My strategy here has been of swift, clinical counter attacks and it has worked.

Turning the tables and putting those on the attack very quickly on the backfoot, pleading to have the hounds off.

Conte would be proud.

You’ve made a balls of it. You’re defence of McCarron on the other thread and your stance on this one made you look like a hypocrit. @gilgamboa didn’t even break a sweat putting you down. It says a lot when the only one coming to your defence was the lapdog @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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Explain the hypocrisy to me.

If I have to do that then you’ve well and truly conceded defeat.

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Conte would be proud.

He’d have you kneecapped

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Again, you’re failing to make sense.

As a leading pragmatist I have depth to me. You are just an empty vessel making noise but with little depth.

You’re a hypocrit. I am not going to explain it to you.
I don’t need to.

I’ve called your bluff and you can’t take it.

You don’t have an explanation to share with, because there is none. If you’re going to try and pull a bluff move you need to be more scheming and shrewd into positioning yourself into a position it cannot be called.

I’m not the one who kicked your ass chief. @gilgamboa put you on the canvas. You set yourself up. @gilgamboa just pulled the trigger

The convergence of the disaffected to use propaganda.

It’s been done before, it will be done again. You need some sort of super poster to emerge among your ranks because what ye offer is pitiful.

When you’re defending, you’re loosing

Bizarre, illogical post.