The Chelsea supporters thread

You’ve just lost again

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Be wide here Mike he could throw up a picture of Kathryn Thomas or something

Chelsea have a playing squad that cost in excess of £600 million to assemble. They pay this squad tens of millions a year. More than 35 years on from been abused by a Chelsea club employee paedophile, Chelsea pay Gary Johnson £50,000 in 2015 on the condition that he shuts up, signs a confidentiality clause and by the way Chelsea don’t accept any responsibility or blame for the actions of the paedophile they employed. You feel Chelsea are to be commended for this?


He can throw up a picture of her anytime

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I am the garage flower

You need a ride



I get the distinct impression that certain posters aren’t really worried about paedophilia at all and merely using these allegations to have a go at Chelsea FC. While I’m not a supporter of the club, I recognise that this is too important an issue to point score over and it says a lot about the posters that are doing so. I also get the unmistakeable whiff of anti-semitism off the anti-Chelsea rhetoric which is deeply unsettling.

The other big thing I take from this thread is the sick culture that persists in private schools and the way so many posters defend it. Privatisation, right-wing politics and and child sexual abuse are inextricably linked, and certain posters here are little more than facilitators in this regard.

Thankfully @Nembo_Kid and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy are fighting the good fight against that culture, and that’s to their huge credit both as excellent debaters and as defenders of moral decency.

The silent majority is with you, guys.


Rattled stage 2

That’s a predictably poor response to a concise and clear-headed analysis of the situation.

Meltdown complete. That was a pathetic post.

No. That was a pathetic post.


If you rely on posters like @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy giant to keep fighting the fight. You’ve already lost.

I’m not fighting a fight, mate.

I’m systematically destroying your anti-semitic, pro-child sexual abuse rhetoric.

[quote=“Sidney, post:236, topic:23442, full:true”]
I’m not fighting a fight, mate.

I’m systematically destroying your anti-semitic, pro-child sexual abuse

@Little_Lord_Fauntleroy commends Chelsea for forking out 50k to an abused individual to keep stum.
Sleep well

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There you go again with the point-scoring. It’s terribly distasteful.

Point proven.

You just forgot “end of” there, pal.

You’re gas cunts lads. You’d fight over a fucking half empty can of dutch gold.