The Chelsea supporters thread

Martial levels it for Utd.

We have equaled Arsenal’s record of 13 straight Premier League wins in a single season.

We can break it with a midweek win against Spurs and equal Arsenal’s record of 14 straight Premier League wins.

Make up your mind 13 or 14

It’s two separate points.

13 wins in a row in a SINGLE season.

The 14 straight league wins by Arsenal straddled two different seasons.


You fucking mug.

Thanks for Clarifying @Bandage

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No worries, pal.

it doesn’t matter people, the yids will beat chelsea

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I never knew that Conte was a drug cheat.

he is a winner

Widely known… What’s gas is his biggest supporters on here lambast Messi as a drug cheat when Conte was one of the biggest dopers in the history of sport.

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Declan Lynch compared his situation very unfavourably with that of poor old Rob Heffernan.

Well known that Klopp was a drug cheat.

That’s lovely but nothing to do with the conversation being had. Contes biggest supporters lash out at others being a drugs cheat when he was doped off his head. It’s bizarre.

That’s great but Conte never failed a drugs test in his entire career which was played in entirely in the league with the strongest anti doping policies. We always nabbed the Spanish and English cheats once they came to play in Serie A.


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MIDDLESBROUGH defender Gianluca Festa has criticised English football’s testing procedures for illegal substances.
Recent seasons have seen a string of players found guilty of taking steroids and other banned substances, but every case - barring Frank De Boer at Barcelona - have been found in Italy’s Serie A.

Many people have suggested that places such as England are too lax in their approach to drug testing and Festa has added to these concerns by admitting that he has only been tested twice in hs five years with Boro.

“In my five years in England, I have been tested just twice,” said the former Internazionale stopper. "Yet in Italy players are tested in every Serie A game.

"A total of four players are selected, two from each side, with urine samples sent to laboratories for analysis. There is no escape.

"I am fully in favour of this. If there are cheats, it is in the game’s interest that they are caught.

"Jaap Stam’s positive drugs test has caused headlines all over Europe, with commentators pointing accusing fingers at Italian clubs.

"I read that Stam is the tenth Serie A player to test positive for nandrolone in the past 12 months.

"But I do not believe for one moment that we have widespread doping problems in my home country.

"If you look at the most prominent people to fail tests, they are mostly from abroad.

"The three that come to mind are Stam and Edgar Davids, both Dutch, and Fernando Couto, who is Portuguese.

"The other big factor we have to take into account, however, is that Italian football has one of the strictest drug-testing regimes in the world.

“We must be vigilant and keep up to date with the latest testing technology to ensure we stay ahead of those who may be tempted to break the rules.”

Lazio owner Sergio Cragnotti has also stated that he thinks the growing number of players testing positive for drugs in Serie A is because of the stringent screening policy in Italy.

“After Couto’s case we took precautions for our team,” Cragnotti said.

"We have spent lots of money on regular anti-doping tests done independently from CONI (Italian Olympic Committee).

"We did everything possible to avoid any chance of contamination and use only products passed by CONI.

"In two years all the cases barring Barcelona’s Frank De Boer came out in Italy.

"Nothing else ever happens in Europe with regard to doping. Maybe it is the type of test.

“The methodology in taking the sample or some other element that needs looking at.”

Cragnotti also backed Stam, who he doubted would have taken any illegal substances.

"Jaap Stam played with Manchester United for many years but no positive tests ever emerged in England. Why would a player who earns ÂŁ3.3 million per season with a four-year contract dip into drug use? His contract is guaranteed. It all makes no sense.

“Until we have absolute proof of his guilt, we will continue to support our player and try to find the true cause of this situation.”

what English soccer cheats do you refer bud?

Jaap Stam got with away with doping in the EPL for years, he moves to Italy and our stringent anti-doping laws nail him in a matter of months. The same with Guardiola from Spain.

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