The Chelsea supporters thread

i knew about Stam alright. no english though, cause fuck all of them made it there (compared to us with a small pic etcā€¦) Hateley,? what other english made it there?

You can get away with doping in England, they donā€™t test players and turn a blind eye to it.

We have very stringent testing in Italy so if you dope there is a good chance you will get caught.

33% of EPL players did not have to undertake a single drugs test in the EPL last season.


drugs in soccer is a huge elephant i reckon pal

Is it just the lengthy ban for match fixing related offences thatā€™s on Conteā€™s rap sheet?

match fixing?

Probably but some football associations refuse to tackle it.

As Mad Max Cellino will tell you, the English like to act like they are whiter that white but English football is the filthiest he has came across.

sure look at the whole wiggins affair

he is knighted and loved there

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Match Fixing?

He was only charged with not reporting it, his side actually won a game 5-0 that was alleged to have been fixed for a draw.

Conte is not a rat, an admirable trait.

Mo Farah, Jessica Ennisā€¦

All while the English were balling their eyes out about the Russians and others. The Brits donā€™t want a fair battle, they want to be able to bend and break the rules but will throw a strop if others do it too.

Is it lost in translation again? Should we be conversing in Italian. Iā€™ll re-iterate and even highlight it for you this time.

Donā€™t let your newfound buddies hear you saying that pal, theyā€™ll hang you from the Matthew Harding stand.

last time i was at the bridge I had Japanese and Senegalese fans sitting beside me mate


Again, he had nothing to do with match fixing and no allegations were involved in that regard.

Conte comes from the South of Italy and in the South of Italy you grow up learning to keep your mouth shut.

Chelsea are pro-Russian, mate.

You get a different crowd at the jobs expos mate. The guys who support the football team are very anti-Irish and right wing.

They the most loyalist fans in England. You are literally pissing on the graves of the Bloody Sunday victims, shame on you!

I donā€™t pretend to be an ulster republican pal.