The Chelsea supporters thread

We could do without that kind of windy support.

Well done to Coach Conte and the Chelsea players.


True class shown by @GeoffreyBoycott there.

I hope others will acknowledge it as such.


The Chelsea boys giving JT a serious send off by probably winning the double. I’d say they’ll do everything in their power to win it for him. What a send off

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A great bunch of lads with a great team ethos

Wouldn’t it be great to get Celtic in the Champions league, all the pretend paddies down in London and we’ll give them a right hiding

What were the celebrations like in the city last night pal?

I have no idea, I go to bed at half nine, I am semi professional athlete

I could tell by your being up at 6am of a Saturday, you wouldn’t see the roasters at that.

I’m up at 5am every day pal

You’re a credit to the country

Alex Conte gave every player a bottle of wine at Christmas (that he made himself)with an inscription on it that said “we will find a way, or we will make a way”

its some feat when you think about it, after the mess that clown Moanhino left the club in


I have a spring in my step today

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I’ll be honest I had a chuckle last night when Chelsea scored that goal and you’d have a few lads giving it the yeeeeeessssss in front of their tellies, now obviously two of those are in basement bedsits so it’d be like a tree falling in a deserted forest but @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy’s wife and kids must have been wondering what was going on at all.

Well done to our CFCSC you made a good choice, like all great football people, once the silverware is in the bag it’s time to start thinking about next year.

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Rather snidey, backhanded congratulations there

Take it and shove it up your hole if you’re not going go have some class about it.


It was a great win for Loyalists and royalists alike. Congrats to all involved.

Will the lads tip up to east Belfast to celebrate?

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A Linfield double in occupied Ulster , Chelsea good for a double in England . Rangers the black sheep .

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Funny insight into Costa in today’s Indo, taken from the telegraph, a real character.

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@Nembo_Kid @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy @GeoffreyBoycott @Tim_Riggins - How come so many of your fellow Ulster British Loyalists have Irish names?