The Cholesterol Brothers

wonder how he made it onto TV, its not like he was a good LOI player, its quite underwhelming, Bray & UCD is where he was most established


Fine R9 trim

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‘Barber make me look uglier’
‘It’s not possible la’
‘Do your best’

Job done


That’s a ridiculously underwhelming career. I was wondering the other day out of all the ex LOI players why he was chosen as more or less the voice of soccer on RtE. He’s on constantly. Very surprised to hear he’s a cunt though I thought his inoffensive, friendly sort of personality was the only possible explanation for him getting the gig :person_shrugging:t2::person_shrugging:t2:


Himself and Dalo are great friends. He obviously saw an opportunity to bed in with the established in RTE. I find him to be a decent listen but I wouldn’t have a clue about LOI.

Anthony Daly?


Wtf :smile: how is he friends with him? He’s just become about ten times more interesting in five minutes. Juhniallo is painting him as an absolute hateful bastard wreaking havoc everywhere he goes even though he comes across as a genial Darren frehill type, he’s the voice of Irish football despite having barely played and now he’s great buddies with the ultimate hail fellow well met from a completely different sport from the other side of the country who’s about 20 years older than him.

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He’s into the horses.

Goes drinking in The Boars Head.


It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.

I had him down as a cork man originally - the whole know it all persona

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Hugh should really be running RTE Sport.

A lot of the RTE Producers and fellas behind the scenes go the TBH regularly.

Id say the cutting of McBennett does be off the scale.

I met FOTF Darren Frehill there once. He was scathing of RTE sport without going into details.

Reminds me to log into another thread…

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The new salad bar in Ratoath really starting to pay dividends for Morley.

Hon Johnny!


I’m beginning to think this fella is actually serious

Is that the guy they’ve got in as manager now?

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