The Citizens of Cavan and Fermanagh Thread, including Quinns

In fairness if it was jist judges, solicitors and accountants i think i wouldnt mind really.

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That’s Aynsley’s salary


Dukes’s brother was an English lecturer of mine in college. A scholar of Joyce and Beckett.

Gas man. Said before in class he never trusted a man with a tie. The story goes that back in the day the student radio used to get lecturers in and ask them questions like “what’s your favourite way to relax”. Dukes’s answer was “with a load of weed in my office”.

Cool story bro, etc.

Gerry was it?

It was indeed.

His wife ran the Belltable didnt she?

Who Dukes or Quinn? Is the Quinn cousin still hiding out over the border?

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I think she did. His son was in a number of bands, the likes of They Do It With Mirrors (before my time), Headgear etc.


Did they have a tall daughter too?

Some amount of counties really struggling

LGFA? Away and fucking shite

My older lad is off to Croke Park to see Cavan on Saturday evening with some lads from Cavan he met at the Gaeltacht last year.

Wonders never cease.


Big fucking Gaeilge right there…


They are going to batter anyone not in the Big Gaelige Clique that they see singing the national anthemn.


They’ll bleed him dry.


The Gaeltacht seems to have been a good experience for him.:+1:

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Have had 3 cavan contacts look for premium tickets for Saturday - hungry hewers

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Tell him to keep an eye on them as they pull these lads out of their socks and inside pockets……

Publicans will be watching closely as well.
