The Conor McGregor Club Sponsored By Fossett's 🐐

Is Connie “fighting” this weekend?

Fair enough

McGregor is a novice out of his depth, whereas Joe is a lord of the INTERNET.

McGregor has not read Sun Tzu (GAA journalist cliché).


Two narcissists on opposite ends of the woke spectrum butting heads.
And Irish.

Great viewing it has to be said.

The only minister of justice who gave a shit about justice. Was incredibly hands-on about everything. Constantly holding the civil servants to account and getting regular meetings and briefings in.

Every minister since has treated the department like either a stepping stone to a better gig or as a punishment role that they need to ride out.


what were his achievements?

millions on a prison never built?


He shut down spike island prison overnight and by doing so accidentally turned it into the europes leading tourist attraction 2017 :man_shrugging:t2:

He also added a thousand gardai in very short time. The gardai wanted to increase incrementally and build up IT systems and other things needed but McDowell wanted his headline figure and rammed it through. The gardai said it fucked up the organisation for years.

He also proposed a new type of liquor licence for cafe style bars where we could be urbane and drink wine but I don’t think that went anywhere.

I think that was it.

He’s good at writing opinionated newspaper columns mate


What achievements have any of the subsequent ones had?

Since him we’ve had: Brian lenihan, Dermot ahern, Brendan Smith, Alan shatter, Frances Fitzgerald, Charlie Flanagan and Helen McEntee.

I’m open to correction but I can’t think of a thing any of them did that will have a lasting legacy, apart from McEntee.

eh - the hate crime bill

No surprise the Marxist agitators don’t like McDowell.

Exactly, nothing

So because the others are shite, we should get in another one that was proven to be shite?

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I think the hate speech bill will have a significant and lasting positive effect. So will the one off amnesty for undocumented. So will reform of the licensing laws. That’s three things. Any of her predecessors could have tackled any one of those things but ignored them.

I was like 12 when he became minister but, from speaking to the big knobs in the department, he was one of the few who gave a shit.

McEntee does too, in fairness. But I personally think her legacy will be very poor

He ended gangland crime


Shatter tried to take on the legal profession to be fair to him. Even though hes a massive egotistical arsehole.

He completely failed in that.