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So it’ll be clearly defined what hate is? It won’t be subjective?

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are there other simple words you struggle with?

What gender is there that is not a man or a woman ?

Hate needs to be defined as without it you can’t have discourse. Maca wasn’t able to define what could potentially be labelled hate. For example, I believe in science and that a person is either male or female and that it’s impossible to be born into the wrong body. That could potentially be labelled hate speech by unscientific people and i could face arrest for holding a common sense view.



Loads mate. What I’m getting at here (and I suspect you know) is that hatred seems to be a very subjective thing, a word that can be used as a throwaway term, eg “I hate rugby” or with much more sinister meaning. And I don’t think making it a criminal offense without a clearly defined marker as to what is and is not “hate” is a good idea

Ah, I must have missed that article at the time. McDowell was an obnoxious, self important charlatan who sucked in that role, and I for one was delighted at the demise of the PD’s, aiming at progressing nobody, but their indulgent, and royally out of touch selves.

that doesnt sound like it is hatred mate

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But he was an excellent self-promoter, talked a good game and had catchy slogans. Surely that’s far more important than doing the actual job?

The start of the ‘entertainer in office’ political generation.

I’m sure he was called a “maverick”, “no nonsense” and “refreshing” by the political commentariat at the time.

Be suspicious of anybody who is called these things.

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Reagan. Arnie. Zelensky… it’s been done

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Weah and Pacquiao, it’ll never end.

It’s subjective.

I’ll tell you what they should do with multiple offenders.
Give them a one day prison sentence (let’s call it a Limerick hurler) for a first offence. Double it for each subsequent offence and they’ll soon be a bit more circumspect. Not Draconian. Plenty of warning. An ideal balance.


The martinjail method

Could Regan play the piano with his penis

Another white Irish male random stabbing of an Irish woman. Stabbed nine times and locked in her apartment and left to die. Managed to crawl out a window and call for help. Assailant found guilty on one count of assault causing harm and one count of sexual assault.

@artfoley any reason why this wasn’t a charge of attempted murder? Or any opinion on how the judge determined he is unlikely to reoffend?

Looks like a fuck up by the dpp, or AGS fucked up somewhere along the line.

There wouldve been a probation report in front of the judge, but an opportunistic attack like that would hes on the larry murphy scale of likelihood of reoffending scale

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It literally says Slovakian in the headline :man_shrugging:t2: