The Conor McGregor Club Sponsored By Fossett's 🐐

normally its Scruffs grabbling over the personal


A night of personal grappling more like


how do you plan getting us from your house to father franks last mass?

I think you’re confusing me with Scruffs mate

What time is his final mass ?*

  • Please don’t say it’s the family mass

No, its not the family mass, think its the regular sunday mass but ill confirm

the expectation is that its going to be like Christmas in terms of numbers

@myboyblue I expect you to be there with your Malahide conections

Bro I’m away this weekend, but I’ve already been in touch with the great man and passed on my sincerest thanks for being a guiding light in my families spirituality these past few years. I also put a few quid in a card for him, I felt it was the least I could do. Give him a good send off.

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Bah ha ha! Yerra, come off it like. They’re not even trying to hide it any more.

McGregor and Mayweather must be pissing themselves laughing at the whole thing.

I like how understated Conor is playing this, he’s got something massive up his sleeve, he’s gonna muller the prick.

The outrage from some of my friends about irish media coverage is embarrassing.

Paul Kimmage has them seriously wound up. Its gas altogether.



There are some good videos floating around on social media with Andy Lee explaining how Mayweather is going to exploit McGregor’s technical weaknesses. Worth a look.

“Ever play Roulette?”

Would you think of posting a link?

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No but I know what you mean. It’s just a bit …ah I don’t know. In your face I suppose. Would be surprised if they didn’t get a few complaints.

Not sure if you’re WUMing or not here.


I’d say they’d be disgusted if they didn’t get any complaints