The Cunt Grand Final 2008

Who is the biggest cunt in Ireland?

This poll stays open for 7 days.

Campaigning and highlighting examples of cuntishness on this thread are to be encouraged.

It is either Paisley or O’Connor for me.

I am beginning to think that Paisley is beyond a cunt while O’Connor epitomises the word for me.

I’ll need to think about this.

at this very moment its between Billy keane, Donal Og and Gerry Ryan for me, all are premier league cunts but each for very different reasons, but im not rushing this one, its too important.

I cant help thinking the bould SFP escaped lightly, surely a 2009 finalist in the making.

Has to be Billy Keane. Spoilt for choice really.

Yeah it would be good if people who feel strongly about one candidate in particular could put forward a manifesto to sway us floating voters…

I voted for Paul Collins as he is the only tipp cunt left in it

Billy Keane’s articles about the Greyhound and sport in general have put him in with a serious shout.

I don’t think my loyalty to Gerry Ryan will be swayed though.

Some noticable absenties from this poll but I suppose the public have spoken

Cant believe there’s debate about this really. Paisley is in there lads, have we forgotten so easily and quickly?!

a few little snippets about my chosen cunt:

After inciting loyalists to burn Catholic families out of their homes, the Rev. Paisley explained the problem to the press: His exact words were "Catholic homes caught fire because they were loaded with petrol bombs; Catholic churches were attacked and burned because they were arsenals and priests handed out sub-machine guns to parishioners; and the massive discrimination in employment and shortage of houses for Catholics were simply because they breed like “rabbits” and multiply like “vermin”.

Paisley berated the European Economic Community as part of a “papal plot” and the “bride of the anti-Christ.” He sought the seat to the European parliament because God told him to “sit amongst the frog eaters [French] and the snail mongers [Belgians].”

1984 - Freddie Parkinson a leader in the UDA stated Paisley is tarantula who spreads the venom of further conflict and has been a major contributor to our prolonged tragedy

On June 17, 1959, at a Belfast rally, he publicly chastised “the men of the Shankill for allowing papists, pope’s men, and papishers” to live on the Shankill Rd. Angry crowds went to the addresses called out by Paisley, burned out the occupants and looted their homes

John McKeague, a disciple of Free Presbyterianism, founded the murderous Red Hand Commandos. Billy Mitchel, a gunman for the Ulster Volunteer Force murder squads, was a Sunday school teacher for the Free Presbyterian church. William McGrath, founder of a paramilitary group that called for the banning of the Catholic Church, was convicted in 1981 of sexual abuse of children.

He played a leading role in orchestrating mass Protestant strikes that forced the collapse of Northern Ireland’s first Protestant-Catholic government in 1974. He gained international attention by heckling Pope John Paul II at the European Parliament in 1988, when he shouted “I denounce you, antichrist!” at the bemused pontiff. His booming oratory served to whip up Protestant mobs well into the 1990s.

The trial of Slobodan Milosevic, formerly President of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia, now Serbia Montenegro, at the Hague for war crimes, has portrayed him as the Butcher of Belgrade and evil personified. This is much to the delight of the Vatican whose prospects in the area have never been better.

Yet all Milosevic did was to lead the Serbs in their attempt to safeguard 1500 years of their heritage with the horrors and injustices of their World War II genocide ever before them

You know you want to.


Well done gman, shame on those who choose to vote any other way.

Even though people say it is the biggest cunt in Ireland, I am simply voting for the biggest cunt in ireland 2008 and for me that isn’t paisley…Most of the candidtaes are cunts but don’t really irritate me on a daily basis except for that cunt Collins and the amount of shite he spouts…Hasn’t a fucking notion either…

im inclined to agree, Paisley may be one of the greatest cunts in history but 2008 was a poor enough showing for him.
Donal Og had a sterling year, an average enough 29 year old goalkeeper trying to run a 125 year old organisation into the ground because of a vendetta. A cunt.

Gerry Ryan peaked in '08 with that book, he is not able to turn right when boarding a plane is the bit that stands out for me, a gross obnoxious fat headed pig of a human being. A cunt.

Billy keane and collins are other favourites for me at the moment

Looking at the list, what swings it for me is when I see/hear them I think, “that fucking cunt again”. Those who fall into that category are:

Paul Collins
Amanda Brunker
Brendan O’Connor

Collins wins it for me. He’s such a fucking cunt its beyond thinking about.

Rocko makes a valid point about this being in a calendar year. Paiseley has a strong history, but of late he has been quiet. Point taken.

I suppose its the definition of the title that is the confusing aspect. I was of the understanding that this is the biggest cunt in Ireland. If it is the biggest cunt of the last year, then its valid for Paisley to be overlooked. But I still think it is just the biggest cunt we are searching for here. and I already voted Paisley anyway so its no difference to me.

Collins wins it for me.
Although it is a beauty of a lineup.

Well done everyone!

Let it go Puke!!

I think it’s going to take seven days of serious soul searching before casting a vote, they are all cunts, but deciphering the biggest one, it’s a close call.

Some smashing elctioneering there by Gmam I must say.

There is no doubt that Paisley is one worst human beings ever to live on this island but I think cunt may be too small of a word for him.

I also don’t buy this calendar year thing. Once a cunt always a cunt. I will not be like Bertie and say that I like Paisley now. It’s a bit like someone arriving for work at 5pm, doing nothing out of the ordinary, leaving at 5.30pm and being publically applauded for it.

Fuck him. The cunt.

He gets my vote.

[quote=“farmerinthecity”]Some smashing elctioneering there by Gmam I must say.

There is no doubt that Paisley is one worst human beings ever to live on this island but I think cunt may be too small of a word for him.

I also don’t buy this calendar year thing. Once a cunt always a cunt. I will not be like Bertie and say that I like Paisley now. It’s a bit like someone arriving for work at 5pm, doing nothing out of the ordinary, leaving at 5.30pm and being publically applauded for it.

Fuck him. The cunt.

He gets my vote.[/quote]

Class analogy there farmer.
Can’t see how Paisley can lose this one.
I was going to campaign on his behalf but Gman’s done the work there.