The cunt-off

Gerry Ryan is surely list worthy

Add Ray D’Arsey to the list too

Fair play Rocko, I thought you’d forgotten. I’m all tingly in anticipation.

Amanda “Look at my fat tits” Brunker surely

go fuck yourself :smiley:

Sorry HBV. I forgot about your bizarre fetish with this bint.

and would you stop photoshopping that pic. They’re like zeppelins ffs

they’re more solid than zeppelins though

don’t disrespect the brunker ok

would ya give over
her hands are underneath holding 'em up.

The front view would have shown saggy flesh dripping through her fingers ffs.

You need to get a grip on yourself. 'Tis worse you’re getting.

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]would ya give over
her hands are underneath holding 'em up.

The front view would have shown saggy flesh dripping through her fingers ffs.

You need to get a grip on yourself. 'Tis worse you’re getting.[/quote]

maire while saggy airbags may be a standard in your life, please don’t tar all beautiful woman with the same brush, its a bit bitchy and does you no favours

AFGS Ballvic
If they’re not saggy airbags what are they.

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]AFGS Ballvic
If they’re not saggy airbags what are they.[/quote]

they’d poke your eye out so they would

look at that pic
if she took away her hands she’d give herself two bruised knees.

Now if that (flubber btw) is what you’re into; enjoy it. I, on the otherhand, take a bit more care and a lot more pride with myself.

And not only have I packed up the fags, I’ve joined a gym and hired a personal trainer.

so there

if it wasn’t bunker you meant surely it was tanker

[quote=“Mairegangaire”]look at that pic
if she took away her hands she’d give herself two bruised knees.

Now if that (flubber btw) is what you’re into; enjoy it. I, on the otherhand, take a bit more care and a lot more pride with myself.

And not only have I packed up the fags, I’ve joined a gym and hired a personal trainer.

so there[/quote]

Think the pic is just scaled about 115% horizontally

thats a disgraceful slur

Bono needs to be added to this list , what a cunt he is.

Now I’m not saying most of the above mentioned aren’t notorious cunts but I think an even more interesting competition would be to try and find well-known people, or celebrities if you like, who people think are not cunts.
Do we think there would be anyone who we could unanimously declare a non-cunt?

Jim Bolger should be on this list