My 9 year old is a good enough basketball player, a bit rough but I put that down to desire to compete.
The other night walking home from training I asked her what was her favourite thing about basketball, the answer surprised me,
Her favourite thing is when the ref blows his whistle because she’s done a foul
Sounds like that younger lad has great potential. Get him kicking off both feet and find a suitable Corkonian S and C coach to set him up with a developmental plan. He’ll be following the process for Philly McMahons sky blue army in 20 years time yet.
Our eldest played his first U9 soccerball game this morning. My advice of shoot on sight worked well as he scored 4 goals. Himself and another lad who lives up the road from us ran rings around the other team. Of course it’s non competitive and noone was keeping track of the score
However the most satisfying thing of all was seeing the local ‘gaa royalty’ parents aghast at how the soccer club run things cos their little darlings don’t get preferential treatment.
I went as far as minor level before retiring. The gaa royalty in this town are an absolute shower. They’re actually making a mess of what could be a brilliant club and ironically making other sports stronger in the town
Savage day. Kids had a ball. Parents came home hoarse. Poor teenage ref got a bollocking from some parents in the last match and they had to be told to cop themselves on