The Dating Thread - Part II

he’s an awful rogue

@Copper_pipe should take a leaf out of your book and just go and buy a girlfriend from Asia.

Julio " mills and boon" Geordio


cc @Copper_pipe

Option a : Follow your heart = heartbreak & wankers cramp

Option b : Follow your Dick = regular sex

I think it’s clear the path you need to be on here.

I’m just trying to help out @Copper_pipe in his time of trouble mate.

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Someone send up the @Mark_Renton bat signal.

If this one wants a break, then let her have it. Even if you talk her around you will be walking on eggshells after that. Fuck that - she will hold on the cards.

The alternative is to take control of the situation and tell her that if she wants a break there is nothing you can do about it. As Julio said go ahead and live your life without her and I would say that she will come running back. Even if she doesn’t you’ll still have your self respect.

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Don’t plead and don’t beg.

Tell her if she wants to work at things, then you are willing to work on things, but if she thinks a break is for the best then that’s that.

@Copper_pipe I still wouldn’t rule out the scorched earth policy. Bang a friend of hers, or better yet an enemy and send her a few snap chats.

@Copper_pipe get out and enjoy yourself.

Look at that poor girl over in France. Went out for a jog and slipped and drowned.
That’s real heartbreak.
Your young, fit and healthy. Make the most of it. Any pain you feel will pass. Keep yourself busy.

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Busy getting bulled about 6 nights a week more like.



Someone had to tell him I suppose.

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Why don’t you regale us all with the time you missed out on the love of your life because you were out when DHL delivered her



Poor auld copper isn’t giving her enough pipe.

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Let her say her ouece.

We never know whats going on in someones head or life. She could have stuff you are unaware of.

Simply listen.

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I thought @flattythehurdler was going to deliver that coup de grace

Aren’t you the fella that doesn’t believe in commitment ?

