The Dating Thread - Part II

they’re in their late 30’s early 40’s. If the holiday went well they’d be married now and have childer

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You’re feeding into stereotypes now pal.

Is there an unhygienic asexual stereotype?

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You’re creating one.

either shes a complete shit magnet for lads or there has to be some sort of tipping point when statistically she may actually be the problem.

either shes putting out way too early or shes making lads blue balled and they cant be arsed waiting



I didn’t get the memo

why? is @glasagusban not washing you?

you never do

Why would I want a gay man to wash me?

I don’t get the feeling that she is overly prudish. In her defence, she was very honest and matter of fact in our discussions yesterday and wasn’t trying to paint herself as a martyr or wagon with too high a standard and all the men are in the wrong.

Just more a case that those left in the dating game in their late 30s and 40s paints a pretty grim picture. I suppose we all have our own baggage to deal with but I thought it was sad hearing about some of the men she went on numerous dates with who were either completely mollycoddled growing up and or repressed and possibly living a lie and not able to figure things out for themselves.

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I had the stag in Fowlers

No surprise that @artfoley, without any relevant knowledge or insight, would offer his view that the woman is the problem.

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clearly you didn’t read what I said. again no insight or knowledge just rampant misandry on your part.


Unable to accept responsibility for your misogynist biases, as usual.

unable to read as usual to suit your misandrist rantings

Increasingly incoherent and babbling as your anger is piqued and you bash away at the keyboard, as usual.

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I miss Kev’s insights on topics like this.

Great entertainment.


you really are a man hating bigot. I bet you burn your bras at the weekend.

He’s all fired up for Pride Weekend.