The Dodger is in trouble

I know a large number of represntative Hockey players in Ireland are Lesbians.

For what its worth. :smiley:


A first cousin of my auld lad played Hockey for Ireland in the 1980’s, she is a spinster and gives off quite the lesbian vibe alright with her pudding bowl haircut

Lesbians are only cool when they look like a thin Jessica Simpson.

The carry on at camps and away games etc is supposed to be fairly steamy.

If only Jess were a thin Jessica Simpson :frowning:

There a beast that played for Dublin football up to afew years back and Irish basketball, a strap on owner if ever I saw one.

I used to play football with a lad who’s bird was on the Dublin ladies football team. She reckoned well over half of them were homosexuals.

The current wingforward is a shoo in. Fair amount of those Cork camogie and football sides would qualify also you’d bet.

Its fairly common knowledge a few of the girls on the Cork team played with both sides.

Cork has a long tradition of duel players in fairness…Brian Corcoran, Sean Og, The Rock, Cussen & Cadogan played with both sides…not forgetting Donal Og either

Well done Puke, didn’t think it would be got.

I must say the kilkenny posters silence on this thread is deafening…

Why would his own mother set up a rival business against him? Does she hate him that much?

DJ always seemed like a right sound skin. I hope this bitch is thrown in jail for robbing him.

Am currently trying to contact my sources in the marble city to see whether the sister is lesbian or not? :smiley:

Negative, living with male partner, 1 child, approx 2 years old.

Seriously though, €200k is an awful lot of money to have disappeared from the company unnoticed.

How shit is the standard of accountancy training in this country that the money wasn’t discovered missing until 2008, a full seven years after she left the company?

I’d say we can expect to see DJ back in a punditry role before too long.

The auditors were “Carey & Associates” :lol:

Catriona, a former international hockey player, was also a director of DJ Carey Enterprises between August 2001 and March 2009. She left the company and has since started her own cleaning venture, also in Gowran, Co Kilkenny.

She was the financial controller/accountant of the company for 8 years. The only accountant for most of that time.

Ya but you still need an independent audit don’t you?
Yet more proof, as if any was required, that accountants are useless fucks