The Dodger is in trouble

I’d imagine they are going to say for them to go after everything she has first, before you come after the estate.

Twould be a brave debt collector would face down that lady.

Is Jack still at the hurleys or did he give it up?

I don’t know.
But he imported them all ready made from Eastern Europe. He never made one himself.

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They were very decent hurls in fairness whoever was making them…I haven’t seen a new one in 7 or 8 Years

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Bunch of chancers the lot of them…


You’d have to wonder how long they’d have lasted if dj didn’t have the hurling to rely on?

The Gaelic Players Association (GPA) gave €30,000 in 2022 to a former inter-county player who has since come under investigation by An Garda Síochána.

The individual received the monies from the official inter-county players body in two tranches amounting to the five-figure sum, the Irish Examiner understands. The GPA chose not to comment when contacted.

Donations between the association and players are kept confidential between the two parties.

In conjunction with the GAA, the organisation has a past player medical and surgical intervention fund. However, the donations did not come from that source, which is under the auspices of the GAA and was established “to assist former senior inter-county players who may require medical or surgical intervention arising from their involvement with their relevant county team”.

The GPA have their own benevolent fund, the aim of which is described in their annual accounts ending December 2022 as offering “support to members of the company who experience setbacks, both personal and professional. The service exists to offer support in a way that helps people find their feet by providing more than financial assistance.”

Benevolent fund donations in 2022, which are deducted as a portion of annual membership fees, amounted to €20,550. That year, the GPA spent €2.843 million on player development programmes, €71,493 on player engagement services and €23,832 on welfare support expenditure, while they had two “staff and pension costs” entries, one for €506,183 under player programmes and another for €284,719 under operating costs.

Other units either associated with the GAA or part of it may also have given money to the ex-player. Some provincial councils use gate receipts from pre-season competitions to provide hardship funds for GAA players, both club and county. Supporters groups are also known to ring-fence monies raised for welfare and hardship funds for current and former inter-county players.

Wow, the guy has no shame. Will con money out of anyone he can.

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What are these? Sounds fairly wishy washy.

And if you thought it was wishy washy, then you’d be dead fucking right

Good enough for the racist cunt

No payments since 2011.

House repossessed in 2024.
Some country.


I wouldnt weep for Pepper Finance.

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Fuck Pepper Finance.

Actually they are fucking me but fuck them anyway.

Are they owned by gavin pepper?

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I don’t think so but similar moral compass.

Weren’t they sponsoring some team or other?