The Dodger is in trouble

I have no idea what you’re saying here - are you saying some accountants are acting as solicitors too?

I think you are a bit misguided on the term accountant here. One major problem with the profession is that any man off the street can set up shop and call himself an accountant, I’m sure there are guys out there that you speak of that give out terrible advice to ordinary people on what to invest their money in. An accountant is not qualified to do this and no one should be doing this without an appropriate qualification, I believe the most appropriate one for advising small investors is the QFA.

The profession tried to have a European law enacted that restricted the use of the term accountant but this was not successful (I believe it was for architects), there’s a lot of guys out there that have no right to call themselves accountants and give the profession a bad name, don’t let that taint your view of the entire profession.

BT destroying one & all here


Auditing is a pointless profession. It is self regulation for enterprise. It serves no purpose and is intrinsically flawed. The revenue commissioners should audit the books or at a minimum assign auditors to companies. We certainly wouldn’t see the likes of Paddy Power threatening to kick out KPMG or whoever it was for blocking their site so the auditors could punt money on Dunphs steepledowns tips. The conflict of interest here is enormous.


Lock this thread.

An unqualified audit opinion is a very, very valuable commodity.

TASE - a lot of the rugged buggers investment portfolios have been decimated of late. Think Hook is a bankrupt too. As is Brad Friedel the mong.

Our KK brethren will no doubt confirm but I’m pretty sure DJ was stung by his accountant before on a previous venture. Some oil company or something.

Tinnion i’m no fool, having dealt with them for a sustained period, i know the in’s and outs of the different roles that an “accountant” has. I know there is a difference between the auditor, the tax consultant, the QFA etc. Many of the companies i dealt with were from the small to medium size, many big names around the country. For example one great crowd i dealt with were DHKN, just to give you an example. They were good guys, but many of similar size and stature were not so good.

Anyway, many of them were indeed QFA’s, but of course there were also many who were not. It seems to be a massively different thing to be trained by one of the Big4 to being trained in the offices of some local accountant. The big4 lads become experts in the field they go into, where as Johnny working in Mullingar gets a more rounded apprentice. Anyway i’m getting away from the point, 85% of the guys i dealt with as well were Chartered, my boss didn’t like dealing with anyone else!

My point that you misunderstood is that our country is being run by Solicitors and Accountants, and a few school teachers, and it shows.

You have very little appreciation for how business works KIB, could you please explain the following:

  • How would the Revenue Commissioners have the right skills to understand every type of business out there? From banking, to bookmakers, to manufacturing companies, to service companies - impossible task.
  • How would a global company such as Microsoft be audited effectively if you had the Revenue Commissioners auditing the Irish businesses, the IRS auditing the US businesses? Would take massive co-operation between two parties that have never worked together before.
  • Why did you even bring the Revenue Commissioners into it? They have nothing to do with auditing companies, nor would the know the first thing about auditing a company. They conduct tax audits, a vastly different proposition to a financial statements audit. Perhaps you were thinking of the Auditor and Comptroller General?
  • Do you honestly think Paddy Power would change auditor because a few hundred people couldn’t access their site for 12 hours a day while they were at work? I think you’ll find clients don’t often threaten to get rid of auditors for petty decisions, do you not realise how much attention changing auditors draws to a company? Investors immediately start thinking - what’s going on there? What have they fallen out over? Particularly important for listed companies.

You’ve worked in a graduate position in some provincial town in the UK and now you’re in some immigrant’s contract job in Australia - you don’t know everything mate, neither do I, neither do many people, an acknowledgement to the limits of your knowledge would be a good start in growing up a bit. You remind me of a 14 year old kid that thinks he parents are stupid and that he knows everything.

prey Kev, would you mind informing the forum what the fuck exactly it is you are talking about?


Boom. tinnion hits the net.

a lesson in posting right there.
this should be used by Bandage in the NPO ( New Poster Orientation ) class that is held every quarter as an example of the standard that needs to be adhered to on this board.

cant believe kev & kib are still trying & failing to put it up to BT here

his rationale has destroyed them & i think they are only replying due to their contrary nature

Correct, mate. Some posters display the childish trait of always having to get the ‘last word’ in every argument, even when they’re getting routed. That prick gola is the same.

What the fuck are you on about lately, thats a more pertinent question.

I’m in no way questioing BT’s skills as an accountant, and completely distance myself from what ever that other tool is saying. My point is based around there being alot of shady characters in the “Accounting” business in my experience. BT actually tended to agree with me to a point.

I never suggested that auditing or any of the skills involved within under “Accountancy” banner were not of benefit. That was the fuckwit in Sydney.

seeing gola,kib & kev agrguing for arguing sake on this thread devalues their other points on different threads

kib looking to increase public service numbers :clap: :clap: :clap:

Not arguing mate, giving my experiences and opinions on part of the professional class in Eire.

fair enough bud

Can’t respond to long posts properly but how is London a provincial town.

Auditors have failed to highlight the collapse of Enron, Anglo any number of corporate collapses. It doesn’t work as the whole process is flawed. Don’t give me that bullshit about PP I’m pretty sure I read it on here. I’m also well aware that the nature of business depends on cultivating long term relationships with clients. Do you honestly think KPMG would really give a true and fair view of the books for MS for example considering how much the contract is worth to them? You don’t need to work in an immigrants job to understand that.

You remind me of someone who gives ah I’ll continue voting FF as the alternative might be worse. Why continue to persist with a system that doesn’t work? You were wrong consistently about Lenihan and wrong again here.