The Dodger is in trouble

Didn’t this fella have 10 large stolen out of the boot of his car or something at one stage? Not the brightest I’d say alright.

His car was stolen at a petrol station I think, don’t know if there was any money in it.

some boyo DJ heres the story…

I see these two chancers every now and again at Pedigree cattle show and sales selling halters,combs,clippers etc,they wouldnt be doing a hectic trade either,fair play to the pair of turnip mnchers but they reeled those Dragon morons right in with that one.

Citroen werent a bit happy at that time when he was driving a free car from them but had a BMW stolen at Cookstown filling station near Moone,Citroen wanted thier car to be stolen instead of a Beemer,i think they took the motor back off him infact.

Exactly right. I cannot believe that that thieving Kilkenny creature is a member of our Institute

Knew that from lads that went to Kierans with him , think he was allowed to stay out in the yard all day and puck around.

The Commercial Court has ordered former Kilkenny hurler, DJ Carey and his partner, Sarah Newman to repay almost €9.5m each to AIB.

Lawyers for Mr Carey and for Mr Newman, a former dragon on RTÉ show Dragon’s Den told the court they were not objecting to the judgment orders being sought by the bank against them.

The debt relates to a mortgage on a property at the K Club in Straffan, Co Kildare, and to guarantees each gave in respect of the other’s liabilities.

The court heard that Mr Carey took out a 20-year mortgage in April 2007, secured on the property at the K Club.

The mortgage loan was for just over €8m.

Mr Carey also gave a guarantee of €1.5m in respect of Ms Newman’s liabilities.

The court heard the transactions were carried out as part of a wider restructuring of Mr Carey’s business.

The mortgage fell into arrears and the loan was called in March this year.

In Ms Newman’s case, her mortgage loan was for just over €1.5m and she guaranteed Mr Carey’s liabilities up to €7.9m.

In DJ Carey’s case, Mr Justice Peter Kelly allowed a stay on the order of four weeks to allow Mr Carey an opportunity to see if he can come with proposals in relation to repaying the debt.

However in Ms Newman’s case he refused to allow a stay as the bank said it may be in a position to recover some of the money by moving on Ms Newman’s property interests abroad.


Huge money there. How did the bank allow them to secure eachother’s loans? I know they were a touch reckless every now and again but that still seems weird.

How much is she worth? Any chance she’s ruined now?

She’s worth €35m according to last years Indo Rich List.

I suppose we know now why Sarah never invested. Tough luck on the poor divils.

haha a million quid for every step he took scoring that goal in 91 :smiley:

Those rich lists are pure guess work, I’d say sour puss could be bollixed. Let’s hope so.

And most of that wealth would be tied up assets like an €8 million house in the K Club that she can’t afford to pay for

I think the alarm bells started ringing on Sarah’s business acumen when she went on TV and put thousands of euros into a company which involved two lads running around the country taking pictures of cattle.

Her chalet in Zermatt is worth 10 million according to the Indo. Might be a big mortgage on that as well though. They say she made 30 million when she sold the hotels website. If I had that amount of money I’d be sitting on my arse and taking it easy.

Life is a bitch balbec. Those who have it don’t have the faintest idea how to enjoy it and those who don’t have it know exactly how to enjoy it.

Very few people find the balance. I know one guy and I envy his quality of life. Sold some land for a 7 figure sum… didn’t reinvest in property. Paid off his mortgage, breeds a few cattle, plays a bit of golf, spends plenty time with his kids, runs a small part time business to keep the current account ticking over.

Contrast this with another lad 2 miles down the road. A healthy balance sheet, runs 2 companies with a very healthy cash flow, no large debt… spends 7 days a week working, looks unhealthy and is one of the most miserable cunts you’ll ever meet. Could retire now but then he’d miss the 10K that he could pocket next month.

Life is short.


What a pair of jokers.

I always felt she tried too hard to act and look smart to be actually that smart at all. An awful lot of people got lucky on websites and what not over the years.

KP is right, the guy he envies has got it nailed. I didn’t think it when i was younger, but looking back i kinda would have liked had i been born into a farming life or maybe that of a fisherman. Tough in ways obviously, but healthy and rewarding and certainly at the farming you are around home alot.