The Eighth Annual Cunt Of The Year GRAND FINAL - 2015 - O'Brien wins!

Debate it then fine, the attitude generally has been “he’s a cunt and I won’t as I know 1916 was dead right”

This is a vote based on the upcoming commemorations, fuck alls changed with Unionist John in the last year. This is lads trying to put down a marker for the months ahead. Cosgrave, DOB, Drumm ect had proper cuntish years.


Personally, I would have went for Drumm.

Could be a recount called for this time tomorrow

He’ll be a certainty for next year.*

If he lives that long.

Vote Cosgrave No 1 ye stupid cunting cunts.

He is the only nominee who will google himself to find that TFK has anointed him TFK 2015 COTY.

Hi Paddy. You cunt.


The polls I used were a template of the third type here.

I’m going to have to have to pass the buck as regards the vote changing aspect, the simple answer is I don’t know how to set up a poll where your vote is set in stone. I’d imagine @Rocko would have a better idea of how to do so, as he would be more familiar with the ins and outs of the new(ish) forum set up.

He’s done a lot better out of the current govt

John Bruton is yesterdays cunt. He was at the peak of his powers of cuntishness. He’s no longer a worthy recipient. Denis O’Brien is a clear and present cunt and danger.


On a side note, I am hugely disappointed that the uber cunt David Quinn of the Iona institute didn’t make the Final.

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Eat your heart out Iona :smile:

I like Denis O’Brien, he reminds me of @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy with his " ye can all go fuck yourselves attitude " and don’t fuck with me persona.

I voted DOB and he should be walking it. Christ the prick tried to gag our parliament.

Bit disappointed Drumm isn’t rating higher but then again out of sight and all that jazz.


We could have a three way cunt off here yet. @Sidney have you made provision for this?

Well fuck. In my excitement at seeing the final actually present on the site this morning I rushed through the list and somehow managed to miss that cunt Panti. Cosgrove will have to do. FML.

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If only there was some way you could change your vote…

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[quote=“artfoley, post:88, topic:21830, full:true”]
John Bruton is yesterdays cunt. He was at the peak of his powers of cuntishness. He’s no longer a worthy recipient. Denis O’Brien is a clear and present cunt and danger.

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Bruton is rallying, Come on you fat headed cunt.

Have @The_brisbane_lion, @The_Cisco_Kid, @thekerryflyer and @fermanaghdave cast their votes yet?

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I’ve switched back to Bruton. He’d be an appropriate winner for the year that’s in it.


Fuck Bressie, Fuck O’Brien, Fuck Panti, Fuck um all.
Shower of cunts.


You can change your vote.

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