The Electric Vehicle Thread

He’ll go the same way as Diesel

In the boot (tyre well)

Probably takes up most of the boot. Some other yoke went into the tyre well. Battery goes under the floor in fully electric cars.

So no room for the spare tyre or any luggage.

They’ll have to ban EVs soon.
Imagine this on a ferry or channel tunnel.


ICE cars closing an airport


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its mental the gymnastics people go to to try shoehorn their bias into things. EVs are less likely to go on fire, but yet are always blamed for car fires.

“We don’t believe it was an electric vehicle,” Andrew Hopkinson, chief fire officer for Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service, said.

“It’s believed to be diesel-powered, at this stage all subject to verification. And then that fire has quickly and rapidly spread.”

Apparently it was a range rover. Will we see Range Rovers banned from car parks? Imagine they went on fire on a ferry or channel tunnel and caused that type of out of control fire that closes an airport?



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im no scientist but is @TheUlteriorMotive arguing that petrol isnt flammable?

That’s self evident.

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I only ever saw it happen once. A Laoise lads car went on fire in the car park at work. An electrical fault. Luckily it was seen early in an open car park. Can’t remember the make or model. Late 80’s I’d say.

The channel tunnel is compartmentilsed. No more than 4 or 5 cars in a carriage. I’d imagine the fire detection and sprinkler systems are top notch as I’d imagine is the case with the ferries.
This car park in Luton didn’t have sprinklers and was open to the elements allowing the wind to whip in through and spread the fire.

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Water won’t put out an electrical fire too easily. They burn much hotter too.

You’d not take a LG TV into a tunnel would you.

That’s the shape of a range rover driver alright

I always have it in my head that Opel Zaphira’s are always going up in flames. Or at least Opel’s in general. It was a Zaphira that blew up in the Douglas Shopping Centre a few years back.


Never bring an LG TV home from the shop in an Opel Zafira then


Well documented on bbc ref that make n type of car

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A cod.



You’d believe anything.


The heading on that article is fairly undermined by the sub heading “clarifying” that the exact opposite of the heading is in fact true.

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