The English Premier League 2016/17™

@Ashman is some idiot

I’ve given you countless examples of your racism on here before.

You were either clueless or racist when it comes to writing Conte off, now which was it?

Not different at all, it’s just you have differing subjective views on each.

I’m in general agreement with Sir Geoffrey’s point here but that’s a great point too.

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You’ve now just moved from calling me xenophobic to calling me a racist. Bonkers.

Not bonkers, you are inherently xenophobic and racist.

I’m being genuine here, if Kane’s shin is caught he has no option but to go down. Pedro was a coward, he initiated the contact when he should have tried to score.
You’re misunderstanding my point from last week, I assume it’s deliberate because that’s what you do.

No he doesn’t, he could have stayed on his feet, you were praising Coutinho for this last week when he was caught and stayed on his feet. You’re a hypocrite.

Why do you even bother? :joy:

The guy is a fucking fruitcake who flip flops his opinions on a daily basis. He’s mentally ill.

You’re some gimp … Couthino was caught last week and he stayed up and you wanted him to receive a medal … Kane went over there after very little contact…

You’re a terrible man to have an e conversation with, I really can’t do this now.
I can’t say anything with certainty, Coutinho did the right thing because he backed himself to score a really good chance when there was no guarantee of a penalty.
I think that Kane falls when his shin is kicked but I don’t know that for sure.

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Listen mate, Coutinho should have scored and had no certainty of getting a penalty, he did the right thing. You want a row for the sake of it but I’m not going there.

No the bottom line is you criticised Pedro for going to ground when he was caught last week, saying he could and should have stayed on his feet.

You praised Coutinho last week for being caught and staying on his feet. I disagree with you on these two but fair enough, they are consistent.

However, today, Kane has been caught with minimal contact, he could definitely have stayed on his feet but he decided to exaggerate contact and go over and you are defending him for the exact thing you criticised Pedro for.

As much as you may wish to, you can’t have it both ways. It’s either right or wrong and it’s time for you to make your mind up.

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Oh spurs are in trouble now, Walcott is on.:grinning:

Kane could have scored and he had no certainty of getting a penalty.
Pedro could have scored and had no certainty of getting a free.
Coutinho could have scored and had no certainty of getting a penalty.

All had contact, two of them decided to go down with that contact, they got the goals. Coutinho decided to stay on his feet and Liverpool didn’t score. I doubt Coutinho will be as naive again in a similar circumstance.

He was hacked from behind and was certain to get a peno but you held him up to be a man of honour as a result and th standard bearer for the rest of the league - That’s not looking for an argument, that’s fact. A week later and you are celebrating Kane going down when he could have stayed up - your only excuse is that Coutinho was in a better scoring position so was right to stay up whereas Kane had to win a peno because he wasn’t in as good a scoring position … you can’t have it every way.

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I’m not at all inconsistent, we may differ on our opinions but you’re off the mark. You may be right with Kane but it’s tough to say, I’m correct on Pedro and Coutinho.

You are inconsistent on your analysis of Pedro and Coutinho with Kane.

The contact Pedro got from Alderweireld was much more than that on Kane today, much more and you are exposing your bias and double standards.


Mate, Coutinho missed a chance that was the equivalent of a penalty.
I’ll say it again, if he went down he WAS NOT guaranteed a penalty, he did the right thing.

Alderweireld had his feet up knee high on Pedro sprinting past him. He was nowhere near the ball, it should have been a red card as Pedro was in on goal.