The English Premier League 2016/17™

Coutinho was blocked down by a player a yard in front of him - That’s the same as a peno now is it? The ref said he played advantage and it would have been a peno.

I’ve forgotten it, can anybody throw up a gif of the Pedro incident. My recall is that he knocked the ball into space beyond a diving Toby A and initiated contact when he could easily have hurdles him and been in for a one on one, I had no issue with the free being awarded.

So you’re arguing something you can’t even recall?

Fellas posting 100 times a half here but still utterly convinced they are watching the game closely enough to be 100% right about everything.



From that angle it looks bad for me. :grinning:

Should Messi have stayed on his feet and got his legs broken last week by Ramos?

Mr Conte proved my doubts wrong and good for him . I retract my criticism .

I haven’t seen it mate, that’s the truth.
Are you misreading my point to suit your own purpose here?

You don’t have a point, you fucktard… You tried to use Coutinho as a stick to beat Pedro with but refuse to do the same with Kane. Cunt.

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The Sky interviewer seems to think Vertonghen gives a shit that this was the last NLD at WHL.

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Spurs ran 10km further than Arsenal today

The Sky presenter seems to think that Henry gives a shit that Spurs beat Arsenal

And they talk about the rubby fans not having a clue about the rules


I think everyone here, bar the school teacher, is aware of the rules, fat head.

Will you play side 2 of Sade tonight?

Assuming that I’m the target of your weak jibe here I’ll respond, I’ve had no issue with the rulings, my beef was with the character of the players in question. I played competitive football for twenty five years mate, I’ve a good handle on the rules.

I’ll wait until I’m alone for side two…I’m due a good cry.

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Put it on after we fuck up against Watford tomorrow night.


In fairness I called out @backinatracksuit for his series of complete bullshit posts about Pedro last week during and after the game. That gif is damning for him. No surprise to see @Matty_Hislop biting his tongue in the face of such incontrovertible evidence though.

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