The English Premier League 2016/17™

What’s your point?

At the minute

1st in spending is 3rd in table
2nd in spending is 6th in table
3rd in spending is 1st in table
4th in spending is 4th in table
5th in spending is 2nd in table

What is says is that there should be no reason why Liverpool shouldn’t be mounting a sustained title challenge - particularly when they have no European football this year.

Easy say it now but I gave arsenal every chance of getting something even at 3-0

Read the article and you will see my point
Salaries of squads largely correspond to finishing places in the League. City and United are underperforming. League is not over yet - only half way but based on wage bill Liverpool should be outside top 4.

Leicester last year was an unbelievable achievement in that context

Italian football squad salaries for comparison

Bournemouth down to 10 men.

Based on wages of managers, Liverpool should be top 4.

Did Conte do a bad job with Italy in the Euros when he was the second highest paid coach?



We showed ourselves to be contenders and able to compete with any other side.

The poor mouthing of Liverpool fans here reckoning they can’t compete with the 4 teams with bigger budgets than them is embarrassing.

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Ha ha - You are some man to move goalposts. The research has been done on squad salaries and how they correspond to finishing positions. It is a fact. It explains why teams dominate and why there is a Top 6 etc.

Conte is doing a very good job. Not saying he is not but you cannot ignore the financial advantage he has over all other teams except City and United.

Not sure similar relationship between manager salaries has been shown but throw up the research if you can find it.

I think O’Neill was sixth highest paid manager at Euro 16.

What’s this we business? You only started following them just because of Conte.

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Amazing bottle from Arsenal. Thats what Champions are made of.

Giroud again

The bollox wasted a minute celebrating !!!




The 4th highest paid manager in the league with the 5th most expensively assembled squad can’t compete with the 5th highest paid manager in the league with 3rd most expensively assembled squad, apparently.

I’m not moving the goalposts, I’m just pointing out how your research is flawed - you seem to have a very naive approach to this.


Wait a few minutes.

In Arsene we trust.

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I’m Italian, I’m talking about Italy, mate.

Also I now follow Chelsea so I can refer to them as we if I choose to.


Another Boycott Blooper.


Why are you following Chelsea?